I have been fishing crankbaits on a spot for the last 2 weeks. This is a shallow water (12′-14′) lake. Lots of carp, catfish and a good bunch of walleyes in about 6 different year classes. The first 3 times I was there, we caught many walleyes from 8″ all the way up to 23″ in 4.5′ to 5.5′ of water trolling cranks around 2.5 mph. We also caught several sheepshead and several 12″ catfish. The last two times there, we have only caught a couple short walleyes and a lot more catfish. Some of the cats were as big as 5-6lbs. Talk about stopping the boat in 5′ of water!! This lake has a shoreline break down to the 4.5′ of water and then has a flat that slowly tapers down to about 7′. Then there is another break line that drops from the 7′ down to the “basin” which runs from 10′-12′. My question is do these bigger catfish push the walleyes out of the area? The only real change that has happened over the last two weeks is water temperature. Went from 69 to 75 still catching walleyes. Last couple times the water has been well over 80 (surface temps). Haven’t specifically targeted the deeper water yet (next on the list), but was wondering your guys thoughts on where they may have moved and why. With this lake being so shallow, I would think they would be used to being in shallow water all year around. Water is stained. There are no weed lines to speak of which is also odd for this type of lake.

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