For your situation the fluoro line is fine. If I’m around active <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>pike I use leader material
Is there any reason to not go with leader material for my situation besides price? Thanks
Like others have said the “leader material” will obviously be tougher and help in the event that you would be in areas where pike would be more prevalent. For your trip and lake of the woods that should not be the case you will be mainly running into sauger and walleye so regular line for leader will be fine. Of course it is up to you. If you think that going forward you would walleye fish more then maybe an investment after the trip and at that time would be wise.
For your tip as others have said some type of mainline super line tied to a swivel with 6-8 pound fluro leader will do the trick for indoors. If your outside jigging then 6-8 pound mono is great and you don’t really need a swivel and leader but that will reduce line twist for your baits.
I would imagine that you will want to bring some type of dead stick too for inside the shack if your sleeping on ice. You could use one of those rods for that as well. Good luck and I hope you enjoy the trip. Should be lots of action that is what LOW is known for.
Plenty of info on baits that work up there if you watch videos.