This thread reminds me of the reason I love fishing. Especially chasing after oil’ marble eye.
Fishing the mighty miss with Dubuque rigs has been a go to rig for me.. when plastics developed actions that became very affective for ‘eyes, it was fun to mess with the variety of presentations that can sometimes unlock the mystery and up the frequency of calls to your boat partner (or to yourself when enjoying a day of freedom like nothing else but fishing alone can provide) “I need the net” “it’s a good un” “OMG, I wanna see this one” and on and on… No better location to create lifelong memories like in the boat, on the ice, wading the shallows and the efforts to figure them out bring as much pleasure as repeating the tug often and with some strong head shakers in the mix.
Fishing plastics under ice with current seems like a fun day of experimentation. Moxies & Pulsers produce.
Figuring out speed, cadence, color, dead still, speed of drop, just what triggers that aggressive thump, often brings as much pleasure as the joy of being there.
Also, for me, Another challenge of chasing old marble eye equals the frequent rod thumping joy. Figuring out where and how the forage base travels from first open water throughout the entire season…
I digressed… guess I need to get on the ice..
Fun thread!
Merry Christmas to the frequent posters on IDO & to James & IDO crew who maintain this great site!