What do you guys like for fishing shows? Yes I know about Tom boley on YouTube and he is good. Bonus points if it can be found on Netflix, Amazon prime, or YouTube. Thanks

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What do you guys like for fishing shows? Yes I know about Tom boley on YouTube and he is good. Bonus points if it can be found on Netflix, Amazon prime, or YouTube. Thanks
First and foremost I want to be educated.
What structure are they fishing.
Water temps.
What are they using and how are they presenting it.
How did they find the spot.
What does everything look like on their electronics.
Entertain me, I don’t mind the silly stuff.
Measure/Weigh the fish caught.
I mostly watch saltwater shows these days. Only so many times I can watch someone throw a jig or swim bait. Not that I know everything but it gets old after so many years. Angling Edge is good though.
I agree with Blackbay that shows are really repetitive. I don’t watch saltwater, I really have no interest in that.
Gillespie is either getting worse every year or I’m getting less tolerant every year.
Gillespie was better when they let him do the show 12 deep into the P.B.R.
Not as good since his daughter showed up.
Im talking Jimmy Houston silly stuff
Not strictly walleye, but Larry Smith Outdoors is good. Spent a day on the water with him on lotw when my boat broke down. Very down to earth guy that is nice as can be!
Larry is my kind of guy for fishing shows. the IDO guys probably don’t want to hear that but they are one of the main reasons that we come to these forums and watch their videos. I learn so much watching IDO and other guys like Larry. Boley has a hot GF and fishes northern sconi lakes so if that is your thing, he is a good resource for info as he goes in deep for the beginners.
James Holst and the IDO guys are still at the top of any lists if you need info on eyes.
IDo and their spot on spot tutorials and explanations is really good.
Tom Boley with his screen shots and find fish first as well.
Larry Smith is funny as H.
Yup, even if you are on a low budget you can still give your viewers the basic facts, what where, when, why, just answer those questions, that has led to great success for Mr. Boley. The spot on the spot thing emerged right after the IDO people asked on this forum what people would like to see on their show; listen to your costomers, that’s key.IDO gets it.
The only show I find to be a must see is IDO.
I use to like Larry Smith but:
– after hearing him stress safety is the key when hunting a pheasant farm and then seeing guys point their shotguns at each other
– watching some teenager shoot a bear from a treestand without wearing a safety harness
– watching a 10 year old girl shoot her first deer at 450+ yards in the dark….I will NOT HANG ON TO MY HEINY. The only thing I like about Larry is he introduced me to Tub-O-Towels. They are great for the shop.
I’m hot and cold on Larry Smiths show…some are good others are downright terrible.
I know he did pull a 32” out of LOTW so he must kinda know what he’s doing. Seems like a great guy to drink beer with for sure!
I mainly watch saltwater stuff. A couple of the Canadian YouTube guys are ok. Anymore I want to see different stuff. Guys catching tarpon on flies or rooster fish in Mexico is way more appealing than another “mid summer walleye pattern” video.
I’ll modify my response a bit. I do like watching IDO but I rarely catch it when it’s on. I should tune in on Youtube.
I’ll watch if it’s a show giving ideas and tips on how to fish a tough bite or water that’s pressured or difficult. IDO does this from time to time, but it’d be cool to see more.
Unfortunately so many of the shows consist of anglers calling up guide buddies for popular, timely hot bites and pushing products down your throat. No, I don’t need help or advice for how to fish with a guide on the Fox River in Spring, URL at first ice, Mille Lacs around opener, jumbo river perch in March, etc. I’d much rather watch a good angler struggle and grind out fish with tips and pointers given along the way on challenging bodies of water or during conditions/times that are challenging.
39 hours completely ruined fishing shows for me.
It steadily went downhill after watching those 2 show/competitions. Can’t recall one I’ve watched in it’s entirety, maybe the ido open water lake cat show. Awesome one tho
Anyone know why Tom Boley doesn’t guide anymore??:?::?:
I thought I read he had some off the field issues a while ago? someone correct me if I am wrong. Maybe he makes so much on Youtube that he does not have to guide? I am curious does anyone know how much a guy like Boley can make doing the youtube thing?
Hodag Hunter, I’ll tell you what, The worse show was at the end, and Larry, I think shotgun Shafer, and some lady were all standing in a boat wearing DEPENDS.
Matt Moen, I agree with you. His shows are really going in to the dumper.
Not blowing smoke up Jame’s rear end, but when he added the spot on the spot segment and did a terrific job explains it, I that connected the dots.
When I was guiding, I was fortunate to have clients that wanted to learn and paid good amount of money to do so. If you scripted the conversations had with most clients, I think a lot would naturally fall in line with how James presents things. Linders did a good job in education. Problem with too many on both fishing and hunting shows is the confusion of the need to educate and the pounding of the chest to scream look at what I can do
I find most walleye shows to be incredibly boring. It would be cool if they filmed on local lakes with high pressure and see how they go. We can all go to rainy in the spring and catch hogs. I do it every year, so that should tell a thing or 2.
I love the ido, spot on the spot but other then that I find my self skipping through 98 percent of it.
I find it hard to watch most fishing you tube videos because they are all the same.
With Jay siemens and uncut being the only ones I find my self not skipping through
We often talk about showing all the struggling. Holes punched, changing spots 17 times, going back to the bait shop to get different bait, getting trucks stuck, Driving to Devils Lake and fishing for 1.5 days without a single fish and then driving all the way to pool 9 in one night to shoot a show the next day……
The problem is that when stuff starts breaking or getting stuck, it’s kind of all hands on deck so a lot of that stuff doesn’t get filmed. The other problem is we are just not very good at walking through the process when the ONLY thing on our mind is trying to find fish so that we can get a show and get it home to be edited in enough time. We get grumpy lol
It’s something we should probably try to include, i’ve tried a few times, I just don’t think it resonates well? I thought it was really boring watching someone explain through half the show how we aren’t finding any fish where we think they should be. Or how they won’t chase a bait further than 1′ off the bottom because of the cold front that just blew in over night.
I do know with MEGA live this year we will have some fresh ideas for finding fish.
We are always looking for new ideas if you guys have anything you want to see different!
I just don’t think it resonates well?
We are always looking for new ideas if you guys have anything you want to see different!
Use that footage for Youtube content during the “off season.” You can throw links up to the episode that the b-roll corresponds with. If “Monster Mystery Fish calls the cops on the old lady yelling at us while fishing abandoned sewer outlet” type videos can get a million views, I’m sure any content you guys post will get some views, and the extra ad revenue never hurts either.
“Monster Mystery Fish calls the cops on the old lady yelling at us while fishing abandoned sewer outlet”
You forgot to ad “Shots Fired”
I like watching tournament shows. watching NWT/MWC etc. I feel like while its competitive, it really does break down what these guys are doing sometime better than I think shows do. I also like Fish addictions TV when they go through the tournament stuff.
I like IDO and Next Bite a lot but mostly feel like they fish destination places a lot. I get it. you want to actually have footage but it kind of gets old after a while.
I enjoy tom boley ice fishing but i dont’ fish for walleye in lakes so it gets a meh from me.
I like fishing 411 too.
i don’t mind john gillespie at all and don’t mind his daughter either. but its not a must watch for me.
on youtube i like Angler X a lot. he’s a miss river fisherman and puts out loads of great content IMO.
jason mitchell puts me to sleep.
That said, when i had WFN i watched whatever it was.
I will say if Dave Mercer or Mark Zona had a walleye show i’d watch every one of them.
Pat, bloopers are always funny! They make the pro into a relatable person. Seems like there’s always one fish that just doesn’t want to be held!
Pat, bloopers are always funny! They make the pro into a relatable person. Seems like there’s always one fish that just doesn’t want to be held!
Yes this would be good stuff. I like the idea of just all the struggling or bloopers and anything else would make a good behind the scenes type of deal.
It’s always nice for the average fisherman to relate with the big guys
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