Walleye fishing minnesota

  • boos1906
    Posts: 643

    Hey guys I live in Omaha. Looking for places to walleye fish. Wanting some day trips of like 2-4 hours of Omaha and then some weekend trips like 4-6 hours. We fish oahe and sharpe in South Dakota. But are kind of looking for something closer honestly. Can I get to any Minnesota lakes in 4-6 hours from Omaha? I’m not sure how far the boarder is.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17530

    SW corner of Minnesota. Pull out a atlas and take a look.

    Posts: 173

    I think Big Stone Lake fits in your time frame and I think Alexandria and Willmar Minn would be close. Both have a number of walleye lakes. Sportsman Connection puts out an atlas for those areas to get you started.

    Posts: 643

    I think Big Stone Lake fits in your time frame and I think Alexandria and Willmar Minn would be close. Both have a number of <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>walleye lakes. Sportsman Connection puts out an atlas for those areas to get you started.

    Thanks for your help. I will google sportsmen connection.

    Posts: 756

    You could always follow all of the other NE and IA plates up 29 and then hang a left on 12 to go to Webster, SD.

    5 hour drive, and you’ll have a lot easier time finding walleyes vs the Alex or Willmar areas. But both of those areas are great weekend destinations with plenty of lakes to try out.

    Posts: 643

    try out.

    You could always follow all of the other NE and IA plates up 29 and then hang a left on 12 to go to Webster, SD.

    5 hour drive, and you’ll have a lot easier time finding walleyes vs the Alex or Willmar areas. But both of those areas are great weekend destinations with plenty of lakes to try out.

    The glacial lakes region kind of scares me honestly. I’ve been told those lakes aren’t mapped very well? I was also told lots of hazards to take out a prop or lower unit.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1383

    I just looked at the Navionics App on my phone. There are many lakes in the glacial region of NW South Dakota that are in 1 ft contours, and many others with 5′ contours. I think you’ll be OK. As with any lake, take it easy the first time out. Establish your own trails.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22965

    5-6 hours. I would try Green Lake in Spicer, MN. Nice lake and area !

    Posts: 643

    Thanks everyone. Keep the responses coming.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22323

    Webster SD has endless opportunities. Alexandria, or ottertail area as well

    Victoria, mn
    Posts: 820

    Omaha, huh? Reminds me of a Bob Dylan lyric. “Honey, how come you don’t MOVE?” grin

    On the Road Again

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6019

    I would check a baitstore before going to Stone, have heard it is not fun to fish mid-summer, algea and lots of recreational boaters-the lake is a great mult-species lake and maybe not a true ‘walleye factory’. I think its a cool lake and have been trying to get out there.

    Posts: 756

    I would check a baitstore before going to Stone, have heard it is not fun to fish mid-summer, algea and lots of recreational boaters-the lake is a great mult-species lake and maybe not a true ‘walleye factory’. I think its a cool lake and have been trying to get out there.

    Worth it in the summer to try to catch and release 11″ bluegills on light tackle. mrgreen

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1291

    Omaha to chamberlain Sd, Webster SD, Alexandria MN, Red Wing MN are all 4-6 hour drives. All would be great waters to put time in and be greatly rewarded.

    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    Otter Tail. 6 to 6 1/2hr drive. Lots of fine folks from the Omaha area make their way to the area every weekend.

    Doug Morrow
    Posts: 1

    Iowa Great Lakes are great for fishing. Okoboji gets to be like a washing machine on the weekends in the summer, but we still caught fish on a hot Saturday last year. We went back in early November and boji showed me how good it could be. Multi species awesomeness. Did not try Spirit lake, but have heard it’s great also.
    I live in a Des Moines suburb. It’s four hours for me but it’s worth it for a two dayer. It’s one of the best in Iowa for sure.

    There are three lakes in southern Iowa that have walleye. Three mile, Twelve mile, and Little river. None of them are real easy to fish for walleyes but they’re in there. Dad’s bait shop is in Afton, IA just a few miles from Three and Twelve. Three mile and Little river have a recreation area and some no wake zone. Twelve mile is 5mph throughout.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11126

    Alex area today
    24’ fow
    Leech under a cork
    8 between us 3
    Fish all over but not too hungry

    1. BC6E733C-ED83-45CF-95F5-4BA2467BE3A3-scaled.jpeg

    Posts: 2872

    Nice fish EP looks freshly defrosted.Congratulations.

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