Wading for Winter Smallmouth?

  • smbfinatic
    Posts: 22

    Ive heard of people doing it before and was wondering if anyone had any kind of experience with it. I love fishing river smallies in northern MN but if I had the chance to make it to the cities I’d love to try it. If anyone would have any input for general areas you can find them and tips to catchem it would be greatly appreciated.

    Posts: 22

    What was the general area you guys fished? I’m not looking for coordinates or anything like that just wondering the area. From the little I know about the Miss, being from way up north MN, I see there are areas that dams keep water open and also power plants. Just wanna have a place to start.

    Eden Prairie
    Posts: 857

    What was the general area you guys fished? I’m not looking for coordinates or anything like that just wondering the area. From the little I know about the Miss, being from way up north MN, I see there are areas that dams keep water open and also power plants. Just wanna have a place to start.

    A good area to start would be Montissippi Park just up from Monticello. That’s where the warm water discharge area is. Most guys use suckers under a bobber but plastics also catch fish.

    You’ll have company on any warm days above 30F. Pretty popular fishing spot.

    Posts: 1892

    The last time I checked the flow on the Mississippi is way up compared to most years at this time. Typically the water clarity is 5’+ at this time of the year. My last trip out north of Monti was less then 2.5′ If you go use some caution until the water drops.

    Posts: 7348

    Any decent day you will see alot of foot traffic. Kind of turned me off to the place a bit. Plenty of shore spots though all the way down to Otsego, just need to find em.

    Tubes, paddletials, hair, jerkbaits, spinner baits, you name it they have their day there. Everybody loves fishing livebait but its too much of a PIA for me to deal with. Out of the couple dozen times w/out bait I’ve been there, only wished maybe once or twice I had BC other guys were kicking my butt. Plenty of times, and most, I’m outfihsing them with artificial.

    Fish the current seams as usual. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you got waders so you got to go full in and get them in the middle of river. Many of my fish are coming from very shallow, and if you wade out past your knees you probably are in the spots where the fish are. Didn’t have waders for years, just muck boots and did very well still.

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