
  • Jeff mattingly
    Lonsdale, Mn
    Posts: 515

    Anyone have any suggestions on good waders that will last me longer than 2 years. Thinking about moving away from neoprene. Im thinking I would prefer the most durable, thin/less weight, and just adding clothing underneath as it gets colder.

    Alagnak Pete
    Posts: 362

    Simms. Even a middle price set are going to be such an improvement you’ll never look back and will last you many many years unless you wear them every day for work. If you guided out of them daily for summer seasons they still last a few years. You can wear mesh shorts underneath in hot weather if you didn’t want to wet wade and can wear long underwear and fleece in winter and be nice and toasty. Light, roll and pack up to nothing. You’ll really wonder what took you so long.

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