VOTE!! If you havent already.

  • CaptainMusky
    Posts: 24658

    Today is the day folks, get out and vote if you havent already. I know some here already did the mail in or early voting but those who havent get off your butts and vote. Dont pay attention to polls thinking there is no hope or my vote doesnt matter. Do it anyway.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18776

    Did it at home over a month ago. waytogo

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932

    Did it last Sunday… and got lunch at the 40 Club !

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8981

    Did it last week

    …yesterday, and maybe once more this afternoon for good measure

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18776

    Lol I knew someone would chime in and say “early and often” or similar

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12563

    Done !!! Fingers crossed.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    Mailed mine in a few weeks ago. In 2022 the wife and I drove to the vote in person and took turns with one waiting in line while the other waited in the vehicle with the kids, so mail in was nice. It also allowed us to take our time and look some things up on school board candidates, with around 12 on the ballot and you can vote for 4. I’ve mentioned this before but the top of the ballot usually gets all the yard signs, flags, and banter, but those local elections arguably have just as much impact, if not more, than the big-name ones as they’ll affect your local schools, property taxes, etc.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3136

    I still vote but in reality it doesnt matter. MN will always vote for the same party no matter what. Working class will keep getting the short end of the stick no matter who is in office toast

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    Leaving shortly. I hope the best candidate wins.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18776

    but those local elections arguably have just as much impact, if not more, than the big-name ones as they’ll affect your local schools, property taxes, etc.

    This is a big reason why I do it at home ahead of time. I know virtually nothing about the local elections for city council, school board, etc and its nice to do some research on these candidates. Tough to do that on the spot at the polling site. The entire back of the ballot are judges that run uncontested it seems.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6736

    The entire back of the ballot are judges that run uncontested it seems.

    That always makes me mad, why even go through the process if no one else can win.

    Posts: 24658

    Yeah there is a lot of stuff in the local elections that people dont really know or hear much about. I know I was asked about the new prison in Stearns county. I still havent had anything sent to me about it and I am assuming they are going to add another sales tax.
    I am actually surprised by how many who voted early. Good for you guys might have to check into that next time.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dan wrote:</div>
    but those local elections arguably have just as much impact, if not more, than the big-name ones as they’ll affect your local schools, property taxes, etc.

    This is a big reason why I do it at home ahead of time. I know virtually nothing about the local elections for city council, school board, etc and its nice to do some research on these candidates. Tough to do that on the spot at the polling site. The entire back of the ballot are judges that run uncontested it seems.

    Judge positions are a classic “nobody else wants the job” position which often results in some very poor judges.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8981

    ^I have never voted for someone in any position who is running uncontested. I skip right by that every time regardless of what the position/office is or where it’s located on my ballot.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8981

    Yeah there is a lot of stuff in the local elections that people dont really know or hear much about. I know I was asked about the new prison in Stearns county. I still havent had anything sent to me about it and I am assuming they are going to add another sales tax.
    I am actually surprised by how many who voted early. Good for you guys might have to check into that next time.

    I’m not from the area, but read (and could interpret it wrong) that it’s to either pass a sales tax to help pay for a new prison….or the prison would be built anyways and more of it would be a burden passed through on property taxes?

    An old college friend was posting about it being a “sure fire NO vote” because he didn’t need another tax. It seems like he didn’t educate himself and will in-fact be voting for MORE taxes specifically on him living there??

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 1039

    Done. Around 30 people in line just before 7:00 this morning.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18776

    I hear you guys on the uncontested judges thing. I’m not familiar with how all that works. I would guess its mandated that they run in a public election, but it does seem pretty useless given they will win the position if there’s no one to run against too, so why even have it to begin with.

    Apparently up to 40% of the country voted before today.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Most expensive ballot I ever done. $294.87 X 2 for the nurse, 436 miles round trip. But I appreciate the integrity I see with our poll workers here in my township. Made an appt to vote early and ran home….forgot my ID at the farm and was turned away. Hired coverage for dad again and drove back to vote in person. WI has a simple law that clearly states you can not wear any candidate crap or hand out any propaganda at the polls. You can stand across the street, rent a billboard, anything you want OUTSIDE of the voting facility. Idiot walks in with the hat, buttons, shirt..then blows a gasket because they are restricting his free speech. No, they are enforcing the rules, plain and simple just like when I was denied early voting because I left my ID behind.
    Free and fair elections are because of the many volunteers that take an oath and live up to it. Kudos to them.
    BTW – eventually the guy went outside, took his shirt and stuff off and came back in wearing just a jacket. Whining, but complied

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    I’m not from the area, but read (and could interpret it wrong) that it’s to either pass a sales tax to help pay for a new prison….or the prison would be built anyways and more of it would be a burden passed through on property taxes?

    That is my understanding as well, either pass a tiny sales tax increase or don’t and absorb all of the cost burden on your property taxes.

    I still vote but in reality it doesnt matter. MN will always vote for the same party no matter what. Working class will keep getting the short end of the stick no matter who is in office toast

    It hasn’t always been this way, and sounds like there is a punchers chance in MN this year. But the down ticket elections are as, or more, important as we can’t afford another term of one party trifecta rule in MN.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3192

    I hear you guys on the uncontested judges thing. I’m not familiar with how all that works. I would guess its mandated that they run in a public election, but it does seem pretty useless given they will win the position if there’s no one to run against too, so why even have it to begin with.

    Apparently up to 40% of the country voted before today.

    Judges are technically an elected position but are mostly appointed to vacancies. Generally that means the incumbents are qualified people who were appointed to the position and then the challengers on ballot are whatever nutjob wants to throw their name on.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12563

    This is a big reason why I do it at home ahead of time. I know virtually nothing about the local elections for city council, school board, etc and its nice to do some research on these candidates. Tough to do that on the spot at the polling site. The entire back of the ballot are judges that run uncontested it seems.

    You can print a sample ballot for your area well in advance, and do all the research you want. I fill in my sample ballot and take it with me and use it to fill in my actual ballot. I’ve said it here many times. I would feel far better about the results ( No matter how they turn out ) if everyone had to vote in person and show ID to do so. It doesn’t make sense to me that you have to show a ID to register to vote, but do not have to do so to actually get a ballot to vote. It one day every 4 years and the date is know well in advance. Almost no reason why everyone can not vote in person. Just my .02 worth and others are entitled to think different.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18776

    I recently found out about that sample ballot thing. Until a few days ago, I didn’t know you could look up a sample ballot ahead of time.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12563

    and sounds like there is a punchers chance in MN this year.

    About as much of a punchers chance as Stephen Hawking in his final days, against Iron Mike Tyson in his prime in a boxing match. jester

    Posts: 24658

    Apparently up to 40% of the country voted before today.

    That is pretty incredible.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12563

    I recently found out about that sample ballot thing. Until a few days ago, I didn’t know you could look up a sample ballot ahead of time.

    Been that way for a rather long time I believe. I’ve used it for the last several elections. Like others said, some of the elections on a ballot need some time to research. I believe someone should be well informed on the vote they are making. thats the problem these days, so many are not. They vote based on what they hear on their media of choice, and also usually based on just 1 stance verses a person whole idea’s.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18776

    Also, most election years (general or midterm), election day falls during firearms gun season. Obviously this year its a few days before. That’s the other reason I usually do it in advance. I prefer to stay in my stand that day.

    Posts: 24658

    Election Day should be a National Holiday. It is in most other countries. Still should allow for early voting, but I find it ridiculous we dont consider it a Holiday.

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