
  • Dutchboy
    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    So the elections are right around the corner. The Democrats have hammered on the Republicans. The Republicans have hammered on the Democrats. The other party’s wonder how to get in on the gravy train.
    Millions upon millions have been spent to get Joe Blow elected in whatever state. TV & Radio blitz is never ending. I assume print media has ads also. You Tube & Facebook are covered in political ads.
    Has anybody here had their opinion changed by these ads? Did you change your vote because you thought he or she was cute? You liked their suit or dress? As far as I can tell those would be the only reason to change your vote. Both parties are running nothing but attack ads. Neither has offered a solution or alternative to what we have in office.
    People complain about the decisiveness of the country. The reason is nobody gets off their butts to do actual research on what the candidates and parties stand for. Like lemmings they follow what they see on TV or on social media. Ask yourselves this…..are your family members that much smarter than you? Are your friends that much more educated on the issues? Are the people (or bots) online that much better informed than you are? The simple answer is no. Nobody else should be determining your lot in life without your input.

    You have time. Do the research find out what these candidates stand for and then hold them accountable for their actions.
    You are letting big business run your life from the voting polls, it’s time to be responsible for yourself.

    No response is required, however thinking about your vote is required.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    Politicians are cowards.
    Not too many will reach across the isle even though they know the other side may have a good idea.

    Posts: 231

    All the problems we face now have been promised to be fixed by the same people who created the problems.

    Posts: 659

    The only difference the 2 parties have are which Freedoms they want to take.

    Hard Water Fan
    Posts: 1094

    In other news, only 54 hours until political ad season closes.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3178

    You think this was worth reposting? jester

    Posts: 2853

    Thank God it will be over soon.I’m sooo tired of the bu!!sh!t and lies.

    Bismarck, ND
    Posts: 610

    Yes, vote. But more importantly, love your family and strive to be a virtuous person. That will benefit the world significantly more than any politician.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    Greenhorn, great post. There’s been far more harm and hate among the general population the last few years than any actual harm an elected official has done to anyone.

    Posts: 3319

    Thank God it will be over soon.I’m sooo tired of the bu!!sh!t and lies.

    The BS and lies will still be there, just not on TV 24/7. doah

    Hard Water Fan
    Posts: 1094

    The BS and lies will still be there, just not on TV 24/7. doah

    Unfortunately that is correct.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Researching the candidates is always a good idea. Tax returns can be important to know if the candidate has any conflicts of interest. Unfortunately a trend has been started and some are not revealing them. While you may not be able to see what exactly they’re hiding you can only wonder what they are hiding.

    Posts: 5307

    The generations that warned us of the media/internet are now the ones most manipulated by it.

    Now speaking straight political tactics, the overturn of roe v Wade really calmed what would have been a decent red wave this election cycle. This is a big deal for many, and that will swing this in favor for the blue.

    Just my magic 8ball 2 cents.

    Mike m
    Posts: 237

    My thoughts on this , anyone dumb enough to be swayed by these attack ads that talk to us like we’re 8th graders probably shouldn’t be voting anyway . Sad part is , both parties do it so it must be effective. Like stated earlier , do your own research . Most of theses candidates have a long track record they embrace or try to lie about .

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6243

    Remember, vote early and vote often.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Yes, vote. But more importantly, love your family and strive to be a virtuous person. That will benefit the world significantly more than any politician.


    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    @Dutchboy , I an not swayed by any of the adds, PERIOD!

    I wish they would take the money that is spent on ads and do some positive good with the money rather than wasting my visual mind. I hit the mute when they come -on, nothing but a swayed point of view with innuendos and S-t-r-e-c-h-e-d lies/truth.

    What a total waste of money that could do some positive good!

    Rush City MN
    Posts: 842

    Denny O X2 on the money and the mute button.
    Just one question, who do I send the remote battery bill to?

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4545

    Or dont vote. Probably not folks here, but many people are clueless about the issues and what a candidate stands for. If you arent going to take time to truly understand issues and where each candidate stands, do your nation a favor and stay home.

    Maybe this should be in the unpopular opinion thread?

    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1216

    Now speaking straight political tactics, the overturn of roe v Wade really calmed what would have been a decent red wave this election cycle. This is a big deal for many, and that will swing this in favor for the blue.

    I am confused by this, if making your OWN health decisions was so important, where were these SAME zealots when covid shots were being mandated …. NO EXCEPTIONS, people lost jobs, and folks were purged out of the military … could not find nary a soul that was concerned then … seems like extreme hypocrisy, but then I have little expectations from the ministry of truth … god forbid they actually talk or discuss the massive increase in energy costs, out of control inflation due to printing up money, our 30 trillion dollar debt … I digress as usual

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Vote like it’s your last opportunity to vote.

    Posts: 756

    All the problems we face now have been promised to be fixed by the same people who created the problems.

    2X This has been the plan all along. This can all be fixed if you just give us a little more power and you give up some of your freedoms.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    Vote like they let your cities burn, anarchist autonomous zones be setup, crime to run rampant, locked your kids out of school, and indefinite unconstitutional powers utilized for 400+ days. I’m usually a 3rd party or individual candidate I like voter, but due to the first sentence will be voting all R this time and hope everyone does the same. (start the dusting the thread counter whistling )

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1824

    Now speaking straight political tactics, the overturn of roe v Wade really calmed what would have been a decent red wave this election cycle. This is a big deal for many, and that will swing this in favor for the blue.

    Just my magic 8ball 2 cents.

    I see all the fear campaign against republicans on the abortion topic here in Minnesota. I think its funny that people took the bait here. Abortion is protected in Minnesota and the claim made is just not a true statement that these MN candidates could change this right even if they wanted too.

    I know both sides push lies but the fact that people believe this and vote solely on this abortion tactic is funny. Its so important to them yet they do not understand MN law and rights protecting abortion.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Vote like they let your cities burn, anarchist autonomous zones be setup, crime to run rampant, locked your kids out of school, and indefinite unconstitutional powers utilized for 400+ days. I’m usually a 3rd party or individual candidate I like voter, but due to the first sentence will be voting all R this time and hope everyone does the same. (start the dusting the thread counter whistling )

    100% agree. Don’t buy into the idea that both parties are alike. Yes, they’re both awful. But the one in charge right now is destroying the country.
    There is no other explanation.

    Justin Donson
    Posts: 365

    These ads work wonders on two groups of people:

    1.) Un-educated voters. People who don’t have a lot of critical thinking skills and who are easily fear-mongered.

    2.) Old people. As bad as it is to say, they are far more easily manipulated(just look at all the scams targeting our elderly population).

    Oh, and guess what demographic has almost 100% turnout to the polls….

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I see all the fear campaign against republicans on the abortion topic here in Minnesota. I think its funny that people took the bait here. Abortion is protected in Minnesota and the claim made is just not a true statement that these MN candidates could change this right even if they wanted too.

    I know both sides push lies but the fact that people believe this and vote solely on this abortion tactic is funny. Its so important to them yet they do not understand MN law and rights protecting abortion.

    Lindsay Graham is going to introduce legislation at a federal level to ban abortion nationwide. If it passes, it would negate the states ability to decide whether or not they want to protect it.

    At a state level, the governor appoints MN Supreme Court judges during midterm vacancies. Most vacancies occur during a term. In 1995, Doe v Gomez ruled that that abortion was a fundamental right under the state constitution using the same right to privacy as Roe v Wade. The MN constitution does not explicitly protect abortion in MN it simply ruled the same way as Roe v Wade. So essentially, the governor can have a huge impact on future cases brought to the MN Supreme Court and could very easily overturn the Doe v Gomez ruling by appointing judges that align with their politics.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>buschman wrote:</div>
    I see all the fear campaign against republicans on the abortion topic here in Minnesota. I think its funny that people took the bait here. Abortion is protected in Minnesota and the claim made is just not a true statement that these MN candidates could change this right even if they wanted too.

    I know both sides push lies but the fact that people believe this and vote solely on this abortion tactic is funny. Its so important to them yet they do not understand MN law and rights protecting abortion.

    Lindsay Graham is going to introduce legislation at a federal level to ban abortion nationwide. If it passes, it would negate the states ability to decide whether or not they want to protect it.

    At a state level, the governor appoints MN Supreme Court judges during midterm vacancies. Most vacancies occur during a term. In 1995, Doe v Gomez ruled that that abortion was a fundamental right under the state constitution using the same right to privacy as Roe v Wade. The MN constitution does not explicitly protect abortion in MN it simply ruled the same way as Roe v Wade. So essentially, the governor can have a huge impact on future cases brought to the MN Supreme Court and could very easily overturn the Doe v Gomez ruling by appointing judges that align with their politics.

    You also have states like Missouri proposing legislation which would allow you to be sued in civil court if you leave your registered state to get an abortion. I’ve even read some states are contemplating such legislation that would involve criminal charges. But yes nothing can ever happen in MN….

    Depending on what the polls have told him will bring him power jensen has said anything from “I’ll do everything in my power to make abortion illegal” to “we respect MNs traditional stance”…

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    If abortion is swaying your vote in Mn… well forget it. crazy

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    But yes nothing can ever happen in MN…

    Most of our Supreme Courts terms are coming up in the next 4 years, so I think this is a legitimate concern for 1 issue voters. However, it will take almost a whole new MN Supreme Court, and a ton of political capital to overturn it. Which I don’t think Jensen has, nor the desire to expend what power he would have on such a divisive issue, since there is a significant portion of Minnesotans support it to some level. Jensen was my state rep for a while, and he was about as middle of the road and moderate as a politician can be in today’s society.

    While the other guy let a city burn, turned over a police precinct to the mob, and is still pursuing jail time and fines for anyone who disobeyed his unconstitutional executive powers, so it’s a pretty easy choice for me and I hope most moderate Minnesotans.

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