Vikings vs Eagles

  • Dan
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4050

    I hate the pats but after hearing about the fan behavior in philly I’ll be rooting for the patriots. Absolutely disgusting. Is the eagles organization addressing this?

    Those are about my feelings. You bring up an interesting point though, it would be nice if the Eagles organization would address it because the way some of their fans treat visitors is pathetic, not to mention illegal. Chris Hawkey said today on the radio that he got to taste a lot of different beers yesterday. When asked if it was at a cool bar he said no, it was from all the beers thrown at him. Then he said he couldn’t say on the air the things Philly fans were saying to MN women in the airport.

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    Philly fans have a long history of those kinds of antics. They booed and pelted Santa with snowballs back in 1968.

    Posts: 1800

    Philly fans are definitely pricks, but I gotta hand it to the Eagles for playing one helluva game. They outplayed the Vikings in every aspect, and it wasn’t even close. Excellent coaching and gameplan on their part. From just a pure game of football standpoint I’d be rooting for the Eagles, but like others have said, their fans are garbage. I do think it’ll be a good game and would not be shocked at all if the Eagles win.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    I have been steadily loosing interest in the NFL for many years. In part, I’m getting older and much more cynical about a number of people and organizations.

    A client gave us 4 tickets to a Green bay preseason game. Thought it would be a great time to spend a day/evening with my daughters and wife. We had a great time tailgating and the people all parked near us were awesome. When we started the venture down the road, the chaos began. By the 3rd quarter, we were so fed up with everything that we just left. Granted, I’m no die-hard fan. Just wanted to enjoy a night out with the family and not all the drama/drunk/ BS – EPIC FAILURE

    Then the protests. I am 100% favorable to any individual demanding fair and equal rights and protesting peacefully. But there is a time and place for it. These players get numerous interviews, TV time, social media coverage and so on during “Their Time”. I was disgusted by the actions taken by players that felt compelled to put a spot light on themselves during the National Anthem. From the time they step on the field to the time they step off, they are a representative of the team and the entire NFL organization. I disagreed with how it was handled and chose not to watch the games.

    Now seeing the multiple videos out on how the fans conducted themselves in Philly assures my feelings that the NFL is nothing I want a part of. Friends that I know in Philly that I talked to this morning said those videos are nothing. Eagle Fans pride themselves on the “Philly Way”. I’m every bit into some smack talk and dropping a few F-bombs when you know your audience. But you have to draw the line at attempted assault with a can of beer. I couldn’t imagine trash talking with another fishermen then throwing a Falcon Cara T7 at them! ?????
    It seems as if everything has to continue to escalate into something more dramatic than it needs to be.
    OK rant over about the NFL.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4050

    Eagle Fans pride themselves on the “Philly Way”

    They eat up that noteriety and love it.

    If a fan from a visiting team goes to the X, US Bank Stadium, Target Field, etc. I would much rather they go home thinking “those people ain’t too bad.”

    When you outnumber a group of people, say, 50,000 to 10,000 (I have no idea what the ratio was, just throwing that out there) there’s nothing tough about bullying that group. Throwing beers at people, yelling sexual and otherwise offense slurs at them at your airport when they just got off the plane in your city, or feeling the need to be offensive to that team’s 99-year-old fan? Aboslutely pathetic. As someone mentioned, I wish their mayor and the team would at least make a public statement encouraging better behavior.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    As someone mentioned, I wish their major and the team would at least make a public statement encouraging better behavior.

    You must be getting old and cynical like me. If I saw my kids act like that, I can assure you I would probably be on a one way trip to prison for beating common sense into them. I highly doubt there will be any accountability for these actions which will indirectly encourage it to get worse.

    Posts: 1148

    I understand Philly fans are jerks but every fan base has its crap.

    I’m a Colorado Avalanche fan. Used to go to every Avs/Wild at the xcel energy center.

    For years everyone was polite. Then 03 happened (wild beat avs in 7) and the next year at the xcel I had a full beer thrown at me. I told the usher and he asked what I expected wearing an Avalanche jersey. The line was drawn when my gf(now wife) started getting harassed. Haven’t been back in 6 years. Got tickets for Christmas so I will see how it goes in March.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12806

    lets not forget the D-cell type batteries they used to throw!!!!!!

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17291

    The NFL markets to the middle age males that consumes alcohol. It’s what they do. They encourage loud vocal behavior in their stadiums, it’s what they do. They spend millions to cover up bad behavior by their employees (players) it’s what they do. When those employees begin to affect the bottom line they flood the airwaves with all the places they (NFL) donate money to. It’s what they do.

    In the meantime they encourage all owners to extort new stadiums from the loyal sheep they have cultivated. It’s what they do.

    It’s a multi billion dollar business that cares only about the product. You will see very few stories on the news regarding bad behavior by the fans. Why? Because the affiliates are owned by the networks who are paying billions for the rights to televise these games. Can you imagine if the local NBC station (channel 11) did a 5 minute piece on the poor behavior of the Philly fans? Every executive in town would be fired by NBC in the morning. There is zero chance these networks are going to do anything to diminish the ratings of these games.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    It’s what they do.

    Unfortunately, for every old guy like me that says enough of this crap, there are two new young bucks that replaces us. Each upping the game by being a little more destructive than the one before them. So we watch it go from smack talk, to very intense shouting matches, to flinging a beer out of a cup, to throwing full beer cans, to sexual assault….. what’s next Anthrax??

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12337

    Can you imagine if the local NBC station (channel 11) did a 5 minute piece on the poor behavior of the Philly fans?

    Sorry Dutch but this is incorrect. Kare 11 did numerous stories on the news and Bring Me the News about the dangers of travelling to Philly for the game. Watch the news tonight, and unless they go wall-to-wall Snowmagedon coverage, you will see more videos of this bs. Also, I think it’s important to note there are similar one off stories at most highly contested sporting events, it’s unfortunate but true and most of us knowingly deal with it in going. But Mob Rule acting in such a way is different, despicable and dangerous, and there is no room for it imo.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1104

    Every fan base has its bad eggs, but Philly seems to be pretty notorious for having more. Fighting, assault, driving a jeep up their museum steps, being videotaped holding a “F$ck Millie” banner…

    We had viking nosebleed tix for three years which meant lots of visitors rotating into our section and lots of drunk home and away people buying blocks of tickets second hand. The worst behavior I ever saw was people meowing at Bengals fans. Out in the tailgate lot it was usually people offering food to visitors or beer for the WI guys who were heartbroken to learn that you couldn’t buy beer on Sunday. There were the people who dressed up an effigy each week to step on, but it was pretty tame. We often brought people with opposing jerseys with no concerns.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    Sorry this is way off topic, BUTTTT on what planet are you speaking about??

    learn that you couldn’t buy beer on Sunday
    A few Beer Facts for WI.
    #6. Wisconsin (according to WallStreet)
    > Annual per capita consumption: 35.7 gallons of beer
    > Pct. change beer consumption 2011-2015: -1.4%
    > Adults reporting binge drinking: 23.3% (2nd highest)
    > Pct. driving deaths involving alcohol: 37.8% (7th highest)

    More beer purchased per capita does not always accompany a high prevalence of excessive drinking. In Wisconsin, however, it does. The state consumes 35.7 gallons of beer annually per resident 21 years and older, tied for the fifth highest consumption rate. Meanwhile, 23.3% of adults report excessive drinking, the second highest share in the country. Beer is heavily tied to Wisconsin’s culture and history. Beer giants MillerCoors and Pabst have had brewery locations in the city for over a century and a half. Given the high consumption rate, perhaps it is not surprising that beer is taxed at a rate of 6 cents per gallon, the third lowest beer tax of any state in the country.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    A client gave us 4 tickets to a Green bay preseason game. Thought it would be a great time to spend a day/evening with my daughters and wife. We had a great time tailgating and the people all parked near us were awesome. When we started the venture down the road, the chaos began. By the 3rd quarter, we were so fed up with everything that we just left

    Strange-too me -to see that at Lambeau Randy……maybe it was preseason people…
    I’ve been to quite a few games since the kid moved up there and never saw such extreme behaviour,most (a few AH’s yes) of the fans were decent people just there for the game…

    You must be getting old and cynical like me

    What are you talking about?…You’re still a pup Randy lol lol
    Besides that if you’ve ever been to Philly,besides the tourist places,you would find they have a very large percentage of A-holes there… coffee
    All I’m saying the majority of the fans,like me, of the NFL just love the game…not the BS….. wave

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Philly fans are such douches they were fighting each other while tailgating.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 10998

    Why would someone from MN even go to the game in Philly? They warned prior that if you go don’t wear a purple jersey and don’t cheer for your team. How can you enjoy that? No reason to show up at all IMHO.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1104

    Sorry this is way off topic, BUTTTT on what planet are you speaking about??

    Up until recently you could not buy beer on Sunday in MN (earth). On Greenbay days there were always a few people who drove over expecting to grab beer at a gas station only to find they could not – so we shared some beers with them.

    Also, not by hurling them towards them unopened.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    Up until recently you could not buy beer on Sunday in MN (earth).

    I only thought that to be true in the hard-core baptist belt. WOW! But then I was born to a neighborhood that had a tavern on 3 out of 4 corners, we were baptized in beer, and given beer and pretzels for communion

    1. commun.jpg

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    Philly fans are such douches they were fighting each other while tailgating.

    One dbag in particular decided to punch a police horse in the nose. It’s filth like that which gives that fanbase a bad name. Most of those tough guys are 5’5 and 150 but let em suck down a twelver and they instantly think they are Rocky.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    All I’m saying the majority of the fans,like me, of the NFL just love the game…not the BS….. wave

    Mud – I agree the vast majority are great people, like us, that just want the entertainment. Like you, I have daughters, and seeing drunk A-Holes explicitly hitting on them and the rest of their BS was too much. I have a very short fuse and I know it, my wife knows it, and my kids know it. Believe me, it was time to leave!

    The larger problem is the bar keeps getting raised on what is tolerated or acceptable. The limits keep getting pushed and little to no one is pushing back. I’ve stated my case and the NFL no longer gets my time or money. simple as that. Rather invest it elsewhere

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    , perhaps it is not surprising that beer is taxed at a rate of 6 cents per gallon, the third lowest beer tax of any state in the country.

    6 cents per gallon? With the amount of consumption can you imagine the revenue that could be generated if Wisconsin raised the excise tax to the middle of the pack. You could probly lower the gas tax substantially. For example Minnesota being ranked 12 highest excise tax at
    $5.03 a gallon if I read it correctly.
    Those boarder town liquor stores must be making some nice change.

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