Vietnam Veterans Day March 29

  • Dan
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4118

    March 29 is Vietnam Veterans Day. If you have a chance tomorrow and always, thank a Vietnam veteran for what they did for us. Many of these veterans were either drafted or enlisted just to serve their country. They weren’t involved in the politics or diplomacy, they were just trying to do what they believed was right for their country. And many weren’t treated well for it.

    In the big, historical picture it may always be debatable if we needed to fight communism through these proxy wars (i.e. domino theory), and it’s humbling and sobering to think of those lives lost and changed. However, the contributions of Vietnam veterans greatly benefitted future generations.

    When I enlisted in 2003 and found myself in Iraq 6 months later I quickly found out that when it comes to equipment and training, the military is often only as good as it’s last war. The advances in battlefield medicine and tactics provided a groundwork for today’s modern military. Vietnam vets also started the extremely slow process of attaining better rights, benefits, and compensation for those who have served our country. The reality of most of these efforts is that they were almost too late for the people fighting for them, but any victories achieved would benefit future generations. To that last sentence, as a veteran of the War on Terrorism theater….two words don’t describe it, I wish I could convey it better…but THANK YOU. Those of us in our late teens in the 2000’s had it better because of you, Vietnam veterans.

    One last note: Alongside the military veterans of Vietnam, be sure and remember the sacrifices made in that region by other Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotians. If you’re up for it look up some stories on some of these courageous people. Many left their families in villages and went to work secretly for the U.S., risking everything they had. Some were able to relocated but unable to get their families out. I know there are some families like that in Minnesota right now who were displaced because after helping the U.S. they couldn’t return. These people served just as much as our veterans and their contributions should also be honored.

    Vietnam Vets…you did make our country a better place. Thank you.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    This is different than veterans day?
    Ps just googled and see that all major wars have their own date.

    Posts: 176

    Well put, Dan. Thank you for your service and thanks to all of the Vietnam war vets on IDO!

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 215

    Thank you for your kind words. If you please, the next time you meet a Vietnam Veteran, say simply “Welcome Home”.
    We didn’t hear that when we did come home. It might be the first time they ever heard it.
    Thank you.

    Welcome Home Brothers and Sisters!

    Billy J
    Posts: 122

    Welcome Home Brothers and Sisters!
    [/quote] Could not have said it better.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6736

    Thanks for posting this Dan and for your service sir.

    Welcome Home Vietnam Vets! Sorry for how you were treated when you got back.

    Posts: 762

    To all my 82nd Airborne Brothers from Vietnam during 68-69, so proud to have served with you. I think about all of you so often. And yes,there are times when I still shed a tear.

    Posts: 615

    First of all thank you to any and all Veterans. A special thankyou to those Vietnam Vets today and every day.

    On a second note I work as a nurse in central minnesota and have took care of patients from WW2, Vietnam, Korea, Dessert storm and now Iraq and Afghanistan. The one thing I have found with each of these courageous group of people is that most of them like to tell their story if someone has the time to listen. I have found out over the years that just giving an ear to listen to these individual they find it therapuetic. Wathcing them describe these stories in details and a little smile come across their face. Ive talked to people who have helped load one of the atomic bombs on the plane and other who was a medic who entered the cities after those bombs have been dropped.

    These stories are nothing but short of amazing. The thing is many of these people have never been asked their story or no one has took the time to listen. Just a simple thank you and an ear to listen means alot

    Again thank you to all who have served today and everyday.

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