Vexilar vs marcum

  • CaptainMusky
    Posts: 24606

    I’d rather read about global warming. coffee

    I’m surprised vex fanboys haven’t blamed global warming in the Marcum excessive power (5000 watts). They’re said in the past that it scares fish away, surely it must cause global warming too.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    I can’t decide on what to do looking on people’s input I have the flx 28 and can’t decide if I want to switch to the marcum lx7 if you guys could give me some input that would be great

    How ya been J.D. ? devil

    Dakota johannes
    Posts: 2

    Not trying to stir the pot just wondering if I should switch because I see all the guys off the IDO team they are all using marcum and I’m here with a vex I was just wondering if I should switch and what were the pros and cons

    Ryan Speers
    Waconia, MN
    Posts: 513

    Not trying to stir the pot just wondering if I should switch because I see all the guys off the IDO team they are all using marcum and I’m here with a vex I was just wondering if I should switch and what were the pros and cons

    I think that depends on what you want your flasher to do? I just got serious about ice fishing and went with the LX6s, for a couple reasons: it’s digital which is easier for me to understand, moveable zoom for basin crappie fishing, and I didn’t have a preference so I bought what is advertised on my favorite fishing show.

    Having said that, I sat in my buddies flip over for a few minutes this weekend and caught two fish using his vex. His doesn’t have the moveable zoom which I think is a big deal for me.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    I just bought an FL-28 after going back and forth on whether or not to go with a Vex or an lx-6 or 7. I really wanted the flashy digital screen of the Marcum but went with the Vexilar for the reasons many people have said already. I have seen and read about the issues with the digital screens and software. I got the Vex because of all the guys that are still using their 10-15 year old units. They don’t break, they never seem to have to send them in to get serviced/reprogrammed. No software updates. I used to have a vx-1 and loved it. If I go back to Marcum I think it will be the LX-5.

    Bottom line, I don’t need a 68x, variable depth zoom, that can mark zooplankton to catch a fish and I’m not that great of a fisherman. The vex has plenty of features to keep me catching fish and I know it’s not going to crap out on me the same year I bought it.

    Posts: 1583

    never say never, my buddy is on his 3rd flx28 and i had to send in my fl18 twice for repair.


    I have had a vexilar FL12 that was a hand me down around four years old. I used it for one season before it got really noisy and did not give a reading anymore. I sold it to a friend who had it repaired by vexilar and it still works. It is now about seven years old.

    I then got a humminbird ICE 35. It worked great until it was borrowed by who I thought was a trustworthy person but it was “stolen” from him so I never got it back…

    It was replaced by a vexilar FL18 again on a hand me down, around 5 years old. The gain completely stopped working on it and it became very noisy. Sold it to the same buddy who sent it to vex and had it fixed. It still works but is back to being extremely noisy. This unit is probably six years old and he still uses it almost daily.

    I then got a Marcum LX3tc and liked it, but only used it for half a season because I won a Humminbird ICE 45. My cousin is still using this unit with no issues. It is on its second season.

    The Ice 45 was great but I felt like you had to crank the gain to see smaller jigs. Other than that it was a good unit.

    I traded my ICE 45 for a Helix 5 and it took me a while to dial it in, but finally figured out how to block most interference with vexilars. Vexilars effect this unit more than marcums or garmins. If I fish around other people I only use this unit for a GPS. If my girlfriend comes out she will use this unit and as of this morning we got it working next to a vexilar in a location we otherwise could not. The key was running 83khz around other people, cranking the chart speed and the noise filter and manually setting the depth. For a while we couldnt dial it in as easily as you can a vex or a marcum. 200khz is unfishable if you are within ten feet of a vexilar or in the same house. Otherwise it works great.

    I also got a Marcum LX6s this year on a partial trade for an old car I had. I have been using this almost every day for about a week now. I had some interference on it with the bird and vex near by, but with all of the different settings on it I dialed it in and it is crisp and fast. This is now my go to unit.

    Ive used them all. I will continue to use them all, I really dont have a brand that I prefer. I get criticism all the time because I am always switching two things, motorcycles and fishing gear! Next year I will probably have something completely different again. I will probably keep the bird no matter what so I can share lake chips in my boat. But I need to try a high end Vex once just to see what its like.

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