vexilar transducer support arm?

  • 692fisherman
    champlin mn
    Posts: 370

    what are people using for a transducer arm for a vexilar? I recently put my vex on a newer genz box and what to put a ducer arm on it. looks like the one from vex fits over the rod holder, do they make a bolt on one?

    Posts: 20

    Something like this?

    1. image31.jpg

    Boss Hawg
    Brainerd Lakes Area
    Posts: 278

    You don’t like the float?

    champlin mn
    Posts: 370

    not a real fan honestly….. Ive had one for years but after fishing with a family member who has a Marcum I want to get away from the float

    champlin mn
    Posts: 370

    yup, funny thing is that im pretty handy around the shop and never thought about making one but after seeing yours got my wheels turning….. I actually have some aluminum laying around that would work perfect!!

    Posts: 20

    Not sure if it matters but I used the dimensions off the original vexilar arm to make the one shown. 4.75″ for the longer piece and 3.75″ for the shorter piece with a 1/2″ through hole for the stopper. Just make sure to cut out a 1/4″ wide clearance for the transducer cord to fit onto the arm.

    champlin mn
    Posts: 370

    thanks for the dimensions!! I threw one together yesterday and will drill holes today so the hole sizes are appreciated!

    Joe Thody
    Auburn, NE
    Posts: 166

    a 1/4″ eyelet will thread into the hole in the front of the genz box. Pretty simple way of doing it. I used mine that way last year.

    My ultra pack is the same way. The hardware store has a variety of different lengths. I just opened the end enough to be able to squeeze the cable through.

    1. IMAG1296_zps5db83a16.jpg

    Boss Hawg
    Brainerd Lakes Area
    Posts: 278

    Joe, that’s a super simple great idea. I’m a putz so I may try it but still wondering why a float is a hassle for anyone?

    Kent thompson
    Foreston mn
    Posts: 328

    Joe, that’s a super simple great idea. I’m a putz so I may try it but still wondering why a float is a hassle for anyone?

    boss I know for me when I had my fl-18 I just felt it was big clumsy and took up a 3rd of my hole but to each there own.

    Posts: 1806

    And fish tend to get wrapped up in the cord when it’s just floating around. I like to keep the ducer of my Marcum touching the side of the hole which helps reduce the number of tangles with the cord.

    champlin mn
    Posts: 370

    exactly kent and blank…… half your hole has a huge bobber bobbing around and them dam fish always get wrapped up in the cord….. when its tight to one side I have a ton less tangles with the cord/line

    Joe Thody
    Auburn, NE
    Posts: 166


    floats are the worst.

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