Vexilar Transducer Question

  • buckybadger
    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8695

    I bought my nephew a used FLX12 for Christmas. His dad isn’t really into the outdoors, but my nephew is and he’s become my fishing buddy. He can run trolling lines better than most I know and now is learning the ropes of ice fishing.

    The Question: How do I know what transducer is on this thing (cone angle)? Is there a place it’s written on it that I’m missing or the shape of the transducer a giveaway? I know it’s not the tri beam.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21325

    It should say somewhere. But im guessing it’s the 12 degree ducer

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21325

    Fleet farm has fl 18s for 350 for black Friday. Depending where you got the 12 the 18 will be a better unit for less money. ( not sure if u care or not )

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8695

    The FLX 20 was what I was ideally looking for…the brushless and newer flat screen with the 18’s zoom features and whatnot but this FLX12 was too good of a deal at $200 cash. He will rarely fish in over about 15′ of water on the river with me anyways.

    That is a pretty good deal on the FL 18 though for something that is bulletproof and has the Zoom.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21325

    200 cash, that’s tough to beat

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1794

    The bigger the diameter of the transducer, the narrow the cone is usually how it works.

    Posts: 204

    Bucky you can go on their web site and kind of compare what your Ducer looks like to what came with the FLX12, which should be the 12 degree Transducer.

    It is good to start out with the 8 or 12 and get to know and trust what he is seeing on the screen before you get one with to many thing and not understand what you are viewing.

    good luck on the ice and be safe.

    Posts: 8891

    The bigger the diameter of the transducer, the narrow the cone is usually how it works.


    Use the ducer holder on your case as a reference. There should be 3 different diameter indentations.

    1. transducers.png

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8695

    So what my pea-brain is gathering… is that if it is the skinniest transducer it is the 19 degree transducer, and if it sits in the middle diameter indentation is is the 12 degree transducer?

    If I’m interpreting that correctly, thanks for the help!

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