Vexilar 38?

  • #2291021

    Have been reading / seeing some noise about a new Vexilar unit. Aside from what looks like a number of additional ‘technical capabilities’ (frequencies, etc.) – that I think the average rube does not care that much about – it appears that ‘all’ this does is allow the user to zoom in within the exiting zoom ranges. If this is the case, maybe a bigger deal than I am thinking, but do not see this as a reason to spend what looks like over $700.

    I think the bottom zoom capabilities are great on existing units and use extensively but for what appears to be the price, I think I would rather put 7 crisp ones in the pile of cash I am trying to save for a forward-facing unit.

    Would love to hear from others that may know more and provide a more informed summary of the capabilities.

    Posts: 4238

    Marcum has had the adjustable zoom for years, they are just adding it LOL

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