Vex Double Vision

  • Geerdes
    Brandon, SD 57005
    Posts: 793

    My son bought new LX9 last spring so he is thinking about selling his Double Vison, which is an FL20 with color camera w panner. I used it last Feb. in northern Minnesota and it work well. I see that reconditioned units on Vexilar are 899 and new units are about 100 higher. He is thinking about selling this and is wondering what it is worth. Anybody have any ideas?

    Ryan Crane
    Posts: 6

    Ok so did done research and a fl20 is 529 the camera as 279 – 299
    So that is 819 plus a 40 bag so about 860.
    If it were me seeing i would start high see what the low ballers are at on replys then adjust after.
    I would start 800 than go from there

    Posts: 1253

    Buy an LX-9 D I’m sure your son loves his and you would too!

    Brandon, SD 57005
    Posts: 793

    I’m not going to buy it. I have an LX6 and the wife has an LX5. I was just trying to help him figure out what it is worth. Next Friday I get to go with him and play with the LX9. I hope I don’t like it too much or I will probably end up buying one.

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