Veterans Day

  • Dan
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4112

    Tomorrow is Veterans Day.

    I’ve tried to post something like this each veterans day. I know there’s plenty of veterans on IDO and I’ve heard from several members who have a lot of military service in their families. I won’t go into specifics but I also know there are several members here who have lost family members in times of conflict. These people are heroes and we don’t have this great country beneath our stars and stripes without them.

    I’ve also tried to make it a point to single out Vietnam veterans. Veterans from that era were not honored and treated the way they should have been, but when my generation came back from overseas they were the first ones there, lining up in airports, to welcome us home.

    To all the vets out there, we say “thank you” but wish we could do so much more. Think of all the individual moments and struggles that go along with “serving your country”: Freezing temperatures, jungle rot, insect bites while out in the field training, hearing loss, bad backs, blown out knees, MRE’s and military food (haha I know I’m going to get several who disagree with that).

    All you vets have scars inside and out, and I’m guessing your ears are still ringing.

    Thank you for your service.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    Tomorrow is Veterans Day.

    I’ve tried to post something like this each veterans day. I know there’s plenty of veterans on IDO and I’ve heard from several members who have a lot of military service in their families. I won’t go into specifics but I also know there are several members here who have lost family members in times of conflict. These people are heroes and we don’t have this great country beneath our stars and stripes without them.

    I’ve also tried to make it a point to single out Vietnam veterans. Veterans from that era were not honored and treated the way they should have been, but when my generation came back from overseas they were the first ones there, lining up in airports, to welcome us home.

    To all the vets out there, we say “thank you” but wish we could do so much more. Think of all the individual moments and struggles that go along with “serving your country”: Freezing temperatures, jungle rot, insect bites while out in the field training, hearing loss, bad backs, blown out knees, MRE’s and military food (haha I know I’m going to get several who disagree with that).

    All you vets have scars inside and out, and I’m guessing your ears are still ringing.

    Thank you for your service.

    Amen Dan! Great post and couldn’t agree more. Thank you all for your service! And any Vets that are still fighting some things, please reach out and talk to someone. Your county veteran services, VA, the Suicide Prevention hotline (just call or text 988), friends/family or whoever. I’m available 24/7 if you’d like, I will PM my cell. Please just talk to someone. The world is better with you in it!

    Posts: 6631

    We all owe a debt of gratitude to our veterans.

    Be sure to thank those in your lives today waytogo

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    We all owe a debt of gratitude to our veterans.

    Be sure to thank those in your lives today waytogo

    yes Sir…..X1000!!!!!!!

    Posts: 114

    Thanks to all who have and are serving. Thank you for your sacrifice.

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3210

    Big thanks to all veterans and their families! 🪖🇺🇲🫡

    Bemidji MN
    Posts: 181

    A big salute to my Brothers in Arms. USAF 1973-1976

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    Anyone see the piece Norah O’Donnell had about helping Vets, right here in Minnesota??

    Pretty good!!👍

    Pequot Lakes
    Posts: 869

    Tried to buy a Vet a drink in the bar today. He wouldn’t take it. He won $200 on pull tabs and bought me one because I offered. Win win.

    Posts: 3421

    A vet sent me this today.

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    Posts: 1719

    Someone on the news commented on the weak turnout at the Veterans Day Parade. We went to our small town {1,800 people} Veterans Day Service Sunday, as we have the 7 years we have lived here. The band, color guard, speakers and Veterans made for over half the crowd. I have always felt saddened, that more people can’t take an hour, from the multiple opportunities and freedoms they have given so much for us to have.
    On a brighter note. Tuesday evening, I went to the “Welcome Home” for The Honor Flight at the airport. Since I had the privilege of accompanying 2 Veterans to D.C. as a Guardian on the flight. I made a promise to myself to go to everyone that I am able, so far missed one, because I was 600 miles away. This year the crowd seemed bigger every time. Looked like 300+ Tuesday for the last flight of the year. I was amazed that with all the memorials and experiences of the day. Including helping one of my guys find his kindergarten thru high school buddies name on the wall. That was in the last 100 killed in the war. The most emotional part for many of the Veterans was the Welcome Home. Something they were wrongly screwed out of. Having got most of the able pre-Viet Nam vets on the flight. The flight I was on was all Viet Nam Vets, except one Gal in her 30s of 40s. That I assume may have had medical issues. These were Veterans that many went thru years of hell, in a war they may have not agreed with to serve their country. Was talking to a friend of mine that served in Nam. When they came home, it was recommended that they hide their uniforms and wear street clothes when they came home. If ever there was a generation that should be able to take pride in serving their country, they should be at the top with all the rest. An hour or two doesn’t seem like a lot to ask, for what Veterans have given us. Thank You Veterans for everything you have given!!

    Posts: 3421

    Went to Fort Snelling National Cemetery on Friday to visit my parents and an old fishing friend who was the local mechanic where I grew up. Quite a few people and a lot of wreaths. I also was there in October since I was in the area. That day even with all the airport and freeway noise it was very peaceful. Only a few people that day and I was able to help someone find the grave they were looking for using the “Grave Locator” app on the US Dept of Veteran Affairs website.

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