Vet Recomendation

  • hottoddytipup
    Posts: 111

    Live in Crystal, MN, looking for recommendations for vets. Just brought home a new puppy and the place I was going with our current dog is good, just on the spendy side. willing to make a drive if I have to. thought see if you all had any places you liked.

    My two goons

    1. IMG_0280.jpg

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12637

    Probably further than you want to drive, but we went thru a ton of metro vet’s due to moving and a bunch of issues for both our dogs, and by far our favorite was Shakopee Vet. They were very reasonable price wise, easy to get in, and very caring at the end.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18991

    I’m in Crystal. PM sent

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    We’ve been happy enough with Plymouth Heights in New Hope. Also liked New Hope Animal Hospital on Winnetka, but after putting our last dog down there, we needed a change.

    If you’re willing to drive a little, Corcoran Animal Hospital is recommended by several friends, including two who are vets themselves.

    Posts: 276

    I have used Plymouth Height’s vet since they opened. Have always been pleased with their services!

    Posts: 5321

    Didn’t know we had so many crystal guys here.

    SteveOs for the next IDO gtg jester

    Posts: 111

    Thanks for the recs. Going to try Plymouth heights today

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