Very sad start to the new year in this neighborhood

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Our prayers go out to the families of the two that were killed last night and the three currently in the hospital.
    New year’s eve festivities here started with a heck of a crash. Details are still sketchy, and no need to speculate. Fortunately for us, our daughter wasn’t involved. She had just left our home running into town and I was about 5 minutes behind her. As I pulled onto hwy R, I was passed by multiple first responders, sherrif cars, and so on. Naturally that sick feeling kicks in as a father and the mind goes to the worst.

    As I sat stopped on the side of the road, I was able to contact Lindsey and had the relief that she was fine. Unknowing to her, vehicles just behind her collided head on and a third slammed into them. 2 fatalities, and 3 injured. This was just before 6pm.

    We have volunteer fire departments out here and they were out in force. These fridig temps and impatient drivers on a heavily travels road, then being on a call like this. Appreciate the guys/gals that respond and work so hard in these situations.
    Tight community here and when the rest of the details come out, it’s going to be tough for many here.

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1307

    Very happy to hear your daughter is Ok and heart goes out to family’s who lost love ones.

    SW Michigan
    Posts: 694

    Randy, happy to hear your daughter was not involved. Thoughts and prayers to the families of the accident victims.

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    Scared me for a minute there Randy when I saw the header. Glad Lindsey, you and the rest of the family are fine.

    No one needs to start the new year like that.


    Fort Atkinson , WI
    Posts: 281

    Heard there was a bad accident up your way last night but didn’t know anything more about it until I read your post. Terrible news. Thoughts and prayers.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4333

    Glad to here your family wasn’t involved Randy. Prayers sent to the families of the crash.

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