Venturing a guess……….

  • chuck100
    Posts: 2853

    Well you got any stories Sharon that we can talk about.

    Posts: 3319

    We’re all ears Sharon! whistling

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    rotflol devil yep!!!!!! ^^^^^^

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5557

    Luckily I’m a no-nonsense kinda woman so I don’t have much in the way of stories. But I will share something funny. I tried the Hinge Dating App very briefly. It was a hilarious waste of my time when I realized the app was full of manbun wearing, small dog owning, skinny jean wearing, non-outdoorsman who I have no interest in dating, and frankly I probably would have scared the crap out of them! jester chased

    Posts: 1699

    Sharon, 2Timothy 3:1-9 is an interesting description of many men.

    Posts: 5307

    small dog owning, skinny jean

    Somewhere out in Outing, MN, EPG felt a small burn jester

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    Think I didn’t wave

    Posts: 3917

    Sorry I am late to the party, been busy at the shop.
    EPG, so glad you finally replied, you see folks, I asked one of his neighbors a couple of years ago to text me when
    wild child was doing something crazy so I could rein him in if he got out of control, we are brothers in a sense and we lean
    on each other quite often but its been a while.

    As you heard from him the Belle was,well,there were problems and the yanks and rebels couldnt get along no more,imagine that.
    So the neighbor told me that EPG brought this new gal home and took her out on the his new tritoon, he was bragging how that he slammed three redbulls and
    ate a handful of Cialis before going out on the lake.
    Well folks, what I heard was that the tritoon was found floating aloft on the lake with the center tube looking like it
    had been blown in two, no one on board, so a bunch of locals with down scan and side imaging went looking for them.

    Right in the deepest part of the lake an anomaly was discovered, there was a disturbance on the surface and the area
    of the deepest part was getting deeper at a rate of a foot per minute.
    At about the 180 foot mark it quit, now mind you, this spot in the past was 140 foot deep when suddenly two bodies popped up out of the water gasping for air.

    Draw your own conclusions as I heard this second hand, but I could believe it seeing as how he supposedly set his dock on fire
    a year or two ago with fireworks, now I am starting to wonder.

    EPG, so glad to know you are still around, keep in touch more often wont ya??

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085


    1. IMG_2525.jpeg

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17391

    You sir are a glutton for punishment. waytogo

    Posts: 12786

    Let me guess her favorite color is….um…hmm…purple?

    Posts: 3319

    Did she forget her pink hat? whistling

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    You sir are a glutton for punishment. waytogo

    rotflol waytogo got that right!!

    Does she like snowmobiling? whistling

    Posts: 3429

    Is she in the part of the crazy hot matrix you were targeting?

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    So let me guess… the Tar Heels sux and your now a Hoosier fan! whistling chased rotflol

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    Is there an app for the crazy ones, or do they seem to just flock to you like bugs to a light? rotflol jester rotflol

    Posts: 4362

    Indy sounds like a stage name.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11085

    I have to say we were cut off in the 4 seasons on Sunday. I guess we were having a little bit more than a Fun day – Sun day. toast redface

    The evening at Alinea was absolutely spectacular!

    I’m heading to Indy for Labor day weekend. She has a place in Mich where they tie the toons up on the sandbar.
    Pretty much have this one in my wheelhouse. waytogo

    Just hope there’s no fireworks involved. doah

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22107

    When’s the wedding now with this one ? rotflol

    Just remember, they are all the ONE until they ain’t.

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