Vaccinations – now considered a choice?

  • joe-winter
    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1281

    I will only say this.

    Find a Dr. that you like and that you trust. If you do not trust your Doctor you need to get a different one.

    I love IDO but this topic is for the properly informed and those that have been properly trained to decipher a medical trial. Anecdotal evidence is VERY dangerous especially when the health of our children is at stake.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 10873

    It’s not so cut and dry. I have two kids. The first one we vaccinated, and the second one, we chose not too. After a lot of research, we found a lot of startling information on vaccines. We have noticed our unvaccinated child rarely gets sick, as our vaccinated kid, is sick considerably more.

    Not really a valid case study to base a hypothesis and once again nothing is 100%. Do you think FDR would have liked to have been vaccinated?

    We have to remember that it is for the greater good.

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    This is an image of a child with Smallpox. This disease is believed to have manifested itself in humans around 10,000 B.C. It was responsible for 300-500 million deaths in the 20th century. It has approximately a 30-35% mortality. It was eradicated in 1979. All because of the vaccine campaign. I wonder if this disease were allowed to persist all because a handful of parents “thought” they knew more than medical professionals.

    1. 230px-Child_with_Smallpox_Bangladesh.jpg

    Posts: 7348

    I should add comment to mine.

    They didn’t say it was the vaccine itself that made my child run such a high fever to the point her body went into seizure to shut it down. Not that I expect they would even if that was the case. She was born couple weeks early, no biggie, but the multitude of vaccines given that day what caused it.

    All I can say as I said before my kids personally will still get vaccinated with the tried and true, but its one needle per appointment. Don’t give a hoot about added costs to the system, injecting these lil babies with multiple vaccines at once is troublesome, as we found out, especially if there are other health circumstances involved. Just my 2 cents.

    north fowl
    Posts: 605

    Nhamm forgive me for using your post as a segway but I feel this 7nfo is pertanant. Just more info what our legislate is doing.
    Health care providers required to report adverse vacination events and discloser information.

    I feel the legislate is facing this subject on many fronts.

    Posts: 7348

    Oh heck man no apologies pls

    I do think its your moral responsibility to rip your doc a new one so they know something obviously didn’t happen and they make sure to share that info with others. One of those it just kind of sucked for everybody.

    Fortunetly for us our lil girl turned out just fine, I think… hah

    1. IMG_3844.jpg

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I love IDO but this topic is for the properly informed and those that have been properly trained to decipher a medical trial. Anecdotal evidence is VERY dangerous especially when the health of our children is at stake.

    Totally agreeable but that’s kind of the whole point. I for one am totally unaware of the legislation pending and what’s currently in place. I’d love to be a part of stopping this movement.

    It appears as though the movement supporters have received their medical degree from Google university so not only is the evidence anecdotal, it’s purely false or faked.

    north fowl
    Posts: 605

    Oh heck man no apologies pls

    I do think its your moral responsibility to rip your doc a new one so they know something obviously didn’t happen and they make sure to share that info with others. One of those it just kind of sucked for everybody.

    Fortunetly for us our lil girl turned out just fine, I think… hah

    What a treasure you have there.
    I suspect genetics may have a play here. yay
    photo as reference. )
    Lifted my day thanks for sharing.

    Posts: 19

    The beginning of the “vaccines are bad” probably goes back to a 1998 fraudulently study by Dr. Andrew Wakefield of the UK. He claimed MMR vaccines caused autism. Only 12 children in study, 5 had “cognitive issues” before study, 3 never developed autism. Those 8 made up his data for his conclusion. Under great pressure he retracted his study, lost license, and did time. Quick search will give even more regarding impacts of this bogus study.

    Posts: 3010

    what next, you must have your DNA sampled and archived at birth ?

    1. freedom-dont-want.jpg

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 10873

    That’s kinda how they do in Denmark and actually I like that idea.

    Posts: 3010

    like what idea? having your DNA sampled and archived ?

    Wade Boardman
    Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 4469

    what next, you must have your DNA sampled and archived at birth ?

    Actually yes. Just got a letter that our last son’s DNA was stored and we need to opt out if we want.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844

    There are a lot of things wrong with this world and there’s going to be a lot more wrong to come but eliminating infectious diseases is not one of them.

    Posts: 3010

    go ahead and do so if you’d like
    just please don’t ask for the threat of force or being caged to compel it of others

    Posts: 3010

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>desperado wrote:</div>
    what next, you must have your DNA sampled and archived at birth ?

    Actually yes. Just got a letter that our last son’s DNA was stored and we need to opt out if we want.

    I know MN is already doing it … that’s why I used it as a “what next” example

    they notified you that it was already stored … do you really trust them to “delete” it if you opt out ?

    If you can be compelled to do this, is there any limit oto what can be imposed upon you ?

    north fowl
    Posts: 605

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>desperado wrote:</div>
    like what idea? having your DNA sampled and archived ?


    Uegenics showing its ugly head again under the guise of research.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12019

    The problem with the issue of vaccine deniers and the increasing prevalence of people who have PhD’s from the University of Google is that they know a LOT about how to find information that confirms what they already believe or think they know.

    What’s missing is that vaccine deniers–and the VAST majority of the population in general has a classic First World Problem: Many of us have little to no actual firsthand experience with the diseases theses vaccines prevent. Or what happens when someone we know/love gets these diseases.

    For the most part, only those over the age of 60-65 or even older can even remember a time when people actually got these diseases like polio.

    My father was growing up during the last great polio epidemic in the early 1950s. His best friend Terry, one block up the street disappeared from school one day. This was NOT in Minneapolis or St. Paul, this was in little ol’ Morris, Minnesota.

    Terry got polio before there was a vaccine. Back in that day and age, there was no contact with anyone who got polio and even their families had to be avoided to a large extent, so dad had no information for weeks on what happened to his 10 year old buddy for weeks.

    Terry survived. He was confined to a wheel chair and only slowly over many years recovered enough to walk with the aid of braces and crutches. He went on to become a lawyer and a judge. I met him many times when I was a young kid, he was dad’s friend and I never even knew WHY he was in a wheelchair or had to walk with crutches until dad told me the whole story much later in life.

    I don’t think people understand these days that a vaccine is NOT a cure. You or your children can STILL get polio and there STILL is no cure for polio or many of these other diseases that vaccines now prevent. A child that gets polio TODAY will either die or be handicapped for the rest of their lives. Why would anyone want any part of allowing that to happen?

    Well, of course the answer is that people have lost the very bitter firsthand knowledge of pain and loss when it DOES happen.


    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4145

    Is there a vaccine for spelling and grammatical errors? Cause this thread is sick!!

    Posts: 3010

    ^ I think he means “because” (or maybe ’cause)

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 10873

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>eelpoutguy wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>desperado wrote:</div>
    like what idea? having your DNA sampled and archived ?


    Uegenics showing its ugly head again under the guise of research.

    (Eu)Uegenics ahh no. But it is nice to live past 50.

    Posts: 3010

    having your DNA sampled and archived has nothing to do with “longer life expectancy”

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 10873

    Might not for me, but my grandchildren will thank me when they celebrate their 150th birthday.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    people who have PhD’s from the University of Google

    We have a family member who is a Dr. and the phrase he hears and hates the most is “So I was on Web MD” He has a difficult time convincing them what’s wrong.

    north fowl
    Posts: 605

    (Eu)Uegenics ahh no. But it is nice to live past 50.
    Lol. Some times I want to go right but some reason I go left 2 to more lefts I would have gotten there.. Not to make lite of it though it makes it easier. peace
    You should see me read my gps on my boat. Me and buds get a good laugh over that situation

    north fowl
    Posts: 605


    Is there a vaccine for spelling and grammatical errors? Cause this thread is sick!!

    Can you or would forgive me for my errors and inflicting pain upon you? I forgive.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4145


    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>cougareye wrote:</div>
    Is there a vaccine for spelling and grammatical errors? Cause this thread is sick!!

    Can you or would forgive me for my errors and inflicting pain upon you? I forgive.

    Just getting grumpy in my old age! All in fun!

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