USDA bans import of harvested game birds from Canada

  • dirk-w.
    Posts: 485

    BREAKING NEWS: The import of hunter-harvested game birds from Canada has been effectively closed. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced that effective immediately game birds taken by hunters in Canada will not be permitted to enter the United States regardless of the province in which they were taken. This reverses a statement a week ago that imports would only be restricted on birds taken in Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza priority control zones.

    “Hunters are left to wonder why APHIS would reverse course on such a consequential decision, announced after hours on a holiday weekend, with zero notice or opportunity to be heard from stakeholders,” said Ducks Unlimited CEO Adam Putnam. “DU members are justifiably upset by the absence of science and the total lack of transparency around this sweeping regulation that does not appear to have even included the US Fish and Wildlife Service in its development.”


    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3881

    Well, good thing the birds wont be allowed to leave till they have been given untested injections, forced to wear a mask and randomly tested. Should solve all the problems cuz ya know science….
    Absolutley zero intelligence or logic neing ised anymore.

    Rogers, MN
    Posts: 1160

    They’re building a wall to keep them from migrating, right?

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