So, I am trying to renewal my Side by Side . It expires December 31, 2024.
Tried MN DNR online and at DMV. DMV said they cannot do it is it is outsourced try the website.
So went to website and it denies me for a renewal.
I called DNR License office . The person I talked to said something about the color of stickers are not yet available .He said it was supposed to be done Christmas week well, its Friday Christmas Week .
He also said he is having same problem heading up to Red lake and needs to renewal his also.
I asked if its not fixed by January 1, 2025, will the DNR officers and sheriff deputies be aware of this problem and I won’t get a Ticket .
So, if you are having trouble renewal your you know why .
I never even got a renewal notice in the mail either
I will keep checking website

Posts: 89
December 27, 2024 at 11:16 am