• Gary M
    Posts: 89

    So, I am trying to renewal my Side by Side . It expires December 31, 2024.
    Tried MN DNR online and at DMV. DMV said they cannot do it is it is outsourced try the website.
    So went to website and it denies me for a renewal.
    I called DNR License office . The person I talked to said something about the color of stickers are not yet available .He said it was supposed to be done Christmas week well, its Friday Christmas Week .
    He also said he is having same problem heading up to Red lake and needs to renewal his also.
    I asked if its not fixed by January 1, 2025, will the DNR officers and sheriff deputies be aware of this problem and I won’t get a Ticket .
    So, if you are having trouble renewal your you know why .
    I never even got a renewal notice in the mail either
    I will keep checking website

    Posts: 24

    Had the same conversation with DNR earlier this week, it sounds like the vendor they use for the stickers is having a material shortage. She said that is why the renewals have not been sent out yet. The gal also said that if i got stopped and got a ticket for expired registration to email it to them and they would take care of it. Really?? Why not just tell your officers to not give out tickets for this until it is resolved!

    Gary M
    Posts: 89

    YA there is always the one person who doesn’t read the memo.

    Posts: 1822

    I was wondering when this would finally come up. I am not an expert and my opinion is not that of my employer. That being said when asked what they were supposed to say to the DNR officer when they asked where there reg was I humbly suggest telling them that is a good question and maybe it needs to be answered by the commissioner of the DNR since its been the same way for at least the last four years. The DNR enforcement knows about the delay but I doubt the sheriffs do yet. If by chance your local license center was also sick of telling customers that they could not renew the ATVs or boats they might have contacted the commissioner themselves and gotten a response with an email for customers to contact with concerns about renewals.

    [email protected]

    Next year the digital license comes on line. Should be very interesting.

    If an email comes across saying that renewals are open I will update this thread.

    North Metro
    Posts: 998

    Interesting, I went to renew and ATV yesterday and they said I had to wait until after Wednesday next week… I thought that was odd as I have renewed before expiration before. I have a boat that needs to be renewed also and it will be on the water on the river soon also.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5725

    “Next year the digital license comes on line. Should be very interesting.”

    To err is human. To really screw up, give the state of Minnesota a computer. Remember the DMV fiasco a few years ago?


    Posts: 1822

    “Next year the digital license comes on line. Should be very interesting.”

    To err is human. To really screw up, give the state of Minnesota a computer. Remember the DMV fiasco a few years ago?


    I don’t remember but my coworkers occasionally cry when they talk about it.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    I’m glad i seen this. I was going to leave work and stop for both truck and atv renewals. Maybe I’ll wait till next week.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    doah odd, i went to the DMV in waite park to register and gets tabs for a new 4 wheeler and had no issue the Friday prior to Christmas.

    Posts: 1822

    doah odd, i went to the DMV in waite park to register and gets tabs for a new 4 wheeler and had no issue the Friday prior to Christmas.

    Check your reg dates. They are counting this year as the first year. If you wanted to get 3 full years you would have to wait until the new paper came in.

    Gary M
    Posts: 89

    doah odd, i went to the DMV in waite park to register and gets tabs for a new 4 wheeler and had no issue the Friday prior to Christmas.

    Could be it works for a new ATV but renewal are the issues.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    Atv is renewed and tabs on the truck are fresh.

    1. 20241227_133124-scaled.jpg

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    Not trying to repeatedly trigger Reef, but what does this state do well? And who should we blame on this one?

    Posts: 1822

    Yeah thats supposed to say 2027 and be green, you just lost a year of reg. As of 1:50 still no 2027 reg.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22102

    Yeah thats supposed to say 2027 and be green, you just lost a year of reg. As of 1:50 still no 2027 reg.

    It was due. So I was supposed to get 25, 26 and 27 ? It’s a 3 year tag ?

    Yeah your right. What the dirty dog is that. I just called and she said what you you guys said, nothing for 27 yet.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12254

    I don’t mean to interrupt a perfectly good “DNR incompetence” discussion, but…

    As a point of order, the license system including the sourcing of the sticky printer material is outsourced to a license software/IT vendor and has been this way for about 10 years now. It’s all contracted out now, or so I was told by a DNR IT employee.

    The issue with the sticker printout material isn’t the MN DNR “forgetting to order it”. The license vendor had quality control issues with their material supplier and they are scrambling to get things back on track.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    I can’t quote, but it’s a new registration. It’s what I got or nuttin. It needed to get what I got or it would be illegal.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12930

    I can’t quote, but it’s a new registration. It’s what I got or nuttin. It needed to get what I got or it would be illegal. He’ll in was purchased in Wisconsin, paid sales tax there and Minnesota

    Posts: 1822

    No paper as of yet this morning.

    Posts: 1822

    Word on the street is first thing Tuesday morning renewals should be available.

    Gary M
    Posts: 89

    Word on the street is first thing Tuesday morning renewals should be available.

    Well just in time
    one whole day to get a sticker

    Thanks for the update

    Posts: 1822

    I’ve also heard that some offices still may not have their paper by tomorrow but the ones that do can sell reg.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3192

    Not trying to repeatedly trigger Reef, but what does this state do well? And who should we blame on this one?

    Wait, how’d I get involved here? lol

    James Almquist
    Posts: 593

    Not trying to repeatedly trigger Reef, but what does this state do well? And who should we blame on this one?

    This state could screw up a wet dream !!

    Kris Berg
    Posts: 106

    I wonder if the licenses will actually stay in-tact this time. The one on my wheeler and both on my boat had come apart last time. the print separated from the color like the sticker is 2 pieces stuck together. I bought replacement/ duplicates for my boat and had the same issue. the red was still there, just didn’t have any print on it. I was stopped and checked by the DNR and was kind of harassed about it like I just stuck a red sticker on both sides of my boat. I told them that I had it happen with the originals and the duplicates. They told me that I applied the stickers wrong, even though the red layer was still there. I gave them the “cab card” registration card that I kept in my wallet and then they believed me that I had current stickers. Hope this doesn’t happen again.

    Posts: 5139

    I wonder if the licenses will actually stay in-tact this time. The one on my wheeler and both on my boat had come apart last time. the print separated from the color like the sticker is 2 pieces stuck together. I bought replacement/ duplicates for my boat and had the same issue. the red was still there, just didn’t have any print on it. I was stopped and checked by the DNR and was kind of harassed about it like I just stuck a red sticker on both sides of my boat. I told them that I had it happen with the originals and the duplicates. They told me that I applied the stickers wrong, even though the red layer was still there. I gave them the “cab card” registration card that I kept in my wallet and then they believed me that I had current stickers. Hope this doesn’t happen again.

    That’s been happening off and on for the last 15 or so years. There were many discussions on this issue over on FM at the time. I never had an issue until this last batch of stickers on my boat. It’s peeled about halfway. Thankfully this year I get new ones.

    Posts: 2123

    I wonder if the licenses will actually stay in-tact this time. The one on my wheeler and both on my boat had come apart last time. the print separated from the color like the sticker is 2 pieces stuck together. I bought replacement/ duplicates for my boat and had the same issue. the red was still there, just didn’t have any print on it. I was stopped and checked by the DNR and was kind of harassed about it like I just stuck a red sticker on both sides of my boat. I told them that I had it happen with the originals and the duplicates. They told me that I applied the stickers wrong, even though the red layer was still there. I gave them the “cab card” registration card that I kept in my wallet and then they believed me that I had current stickers. Hope this doesn’t happen again.

    The boat ones suck! This year seems better than prior year.

    Justin Laack
    Posts: 514

    Received my card in the mail today for the boat. Just an FYI for guys if yours is expired and thinking you might hit the water between now and March 4th to get yours renewed.

    1. 20250111_145703-scaled.jpg

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 1992

    just got my ATV renewal yesterday

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