Couple of problems I’m currently dealing with on my Tracker side-by-side/plow.
A few weeks ago the battery post on the negative terminal melted while plowing. A shop told me that the connection may have been loose, creating heat or a spark. So I installed a new battery and the next time out I was plowing for about 2 hours and the same thing happened. Had Tracker come get it and look at it since I thought it might be something further with the cables or where it was connected to the frame. They called today and said they hooked up to a working battery and everything seems fine, nothing in the cable system seems loose. I reminded them that I had melted the battery post on two batteries now so I wanted to be sure it didn’t happen again. I was told that maybe the connection was working itself loose while in use and that I should check it periodically. Does that seem normal? Maybe it does, I’m not very strongly mechanically inclined. I’ve just never had problems with this before, this is the third winter I’ve plowed with it and just now having problems. Nothing found at all, just told to check the connections every so often. If that’s a legit fix or preventative measure that’s fine, I just want to be sure they’re not missing something further.
The other problem is with my winch and winch frame. During the phone call I was told the winch is not working and would have to be replaced, because the plow was pushed up too far and now the frame is bent. Does it seem right that the whole winch would need to be replaced? Again, I’ve got very limited knowledge so maybe it’s all totally legit. But the guy didn’t mention any form of repair or individual part replacement, just said the whole thing would need to be replaced, so I’m just wondering if anyone has any other ideas.
Thanks for reading.