I agree. The $30 is not a big deal.
The main issue is the 4-6 week wait time on the application (kinda too late for this year now) AND the following question:
Please note that false statements regarding the following questions may result in the refusal of the RABC permit and that the CAN $30 processing fee will NOT be refunded.
Have you, or any of your dependents to be included on the RABC permit, ever been convicted of one of the following offences for which you/they have not been pardoned:
A crime or offence in any country, including a misdemeanour? (Yes/No)
A contravention of the Canada Customs Act? (Yes/No)
A contravention of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act? (Yes/No)
Have you, or any of your dependents to be included on the RABC permit, ever committed a criminal offence? (Yes/No)
If the answer is “Yes” to any of the questions, please provide details (type of conviction, date of conviction):
So, to me, this opens up a can of worms on the DWI thing again.