US Coast Gaurd Pool Closing

  • eyeguy507
    SE MN
    Posts: 5157

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>jimmysiewert wrote:</div>

    While you are on your self imposed pedestal – to hell with special speed limits through work zones; road closures due to flooding; closures due to blizzards; want me to keep going? You government conspiracy theorists / extremists (both sides)are the reason this country is going to crap!!

    Time to go out on Pool 4, enjoy the peacefulness of a full no-wake zone while and put the smack down on the Waldo’s. Tight lines.

    And none of this is a BAN on ones rights. The river has been a hell of a lot higher than it is now and NEVER has a BAN been put in place. WAKE UP…..


    Preach if it makes you feel warm and fuzzy! Just take it easy on the fish out there so when I come out of summer hibernation, I can have the entire pool to myself in the fall!

    Posts: 1076

    For future reference, here is the USCG waterways action plan and their thresholds for making these decisions.

    I’m guessing the reason this seems unprecedented for Pool 2 specifically is that the water level has went over 17′ (17′ and rising high water action plan) during a typical recreation time frame (May-Sept) only twice in recent history. June of 1993 and June of 2014. All other times have been either March or April when there is very little recreational traffic.

    While they may not be actively enforcing, it is the plan and very rarely will a Govt agency not follow their formal procedures.

    In this particular case, I think they missed their mark for the announcement of Pool 2 though (which was quicky rescinded). That should have happened on June 26th when the river was 17′ and rising fast, not on July 3rd when it was barely above 17 and falling.

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