Upper Range Helix 7 G2

  • Phil Vitali
    Posts: 2

    I recently converted my helix 7 that I use for my kayak for ice fishing. The first few times I was able to set a upper range in the settings menu in ice mode. Yesterday while I was out fishing I couldn’t find the upper range setting just the lower range. I tried a reset but it still didn’t solve the problem. Seem like it just went away. Is there a certain setting that upper range only works. This has be scratching my head and making me feel a little crazy because I know it was there before. Any help would be appreciated.



    Charlie W
    TRF / Pool 3 / Grand Rapids, MN / SJU
    Posts: 1272

    My only thought is make sure it’s ice mode? Not sure if there is an upper range in normal open water mode, guess I’ve never paid that close attention.

    Phil Vitali
    Posts: 2

    Found the answer on Facebook. Has to be in advanced settings. Must of clicked out of it

    Thanks guys !

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    FWIW, I use the upper and lower range settings to effectively give me the sonar zoom screen I want when in a split screen display. I never understood why the GPS side will zoom in split screen but sonar doesn’t.

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