hey all,
just thought this might provide to be a good little disicussion…..
what has been your experince with getting permission to hunt private lands in your area?? how often do you get turned down compared to getting let in?? is it easier for different species??
i’ve always heard how incrediably difficult it is to find land to hunt now a day. but in my experinces, i just haven’t seen that . most farmers, unless they hunt them selves, are very nice and willing to let you hunt. when i’m pheasant hunting around rochester i usually have pretty good success getting permission. i’d say about %50 of the places i ask i’m allowed to hunt. even if the land is already posted, it never hurts to ask.
when it comes to goose hunting it is becoming more and more difficult around here. most of the feilds close to town are all sewn up by guides and what not. but if you scout enough and find a feild far enough out of town that they’re using, you can sometimes get permission.
and if you just want to hunt “something”, but are having a hard time getting permission, try a little coyote hunting. i have NEVER been turned down when i ask about coyote hunting. actually, i have people asking me to come and hunt them on their land. i’ve had people thank me for trying to get rid of them. apparently they’re not everyones most favorite animal…..but they taste so good .
crow hunting is another option. never been turned down for that either. and it’s actually really fun. they decoy just as good as any duck or goose ever would. great summer time fun.