SD Pheasant Habitat Summit

  • kooty
    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    If you have some time, here is some interesting info.

    The fact is, everyone knows what it takes to have great pheasant hunting. Ample cover to protect the birds, some predator control and a semi decent nesting season and the birds will flourish. I hope the leaders in SD at least adopt a policy that prevents public walk in areas from being farmed or grazed. My fear is land owners will walk away from the program if they can’t double dip.

    There is no easy solution but the removing fence lines and ripping out tree groves for an extra couple acres is no longer a western Mn problem. I see drain tiles being put in all across eastern SD. Slews being drained and farmed. How soon before our water quality goes completely in the tank? I don’t know that I should be the one telling people what to do with their land, but the fact is we gotta protect ourselves from ourselves. We’ve proven that time and time again in history.

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1820

    Are farmers doing this to plant more corn?

    I’m assuming that corn prices are still high.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18101

    Prices have come back down a bit, but ultimately it’s about making another few bucks. The seeds these days are so good. Figure you get yourself another 10 acres of corn. Take that times 150 bushel per times $5.00-7.00 a bushel.

    It adds up over time. I don’t begrudge anyone for wanting more money. I just don’t know if there is a simple answer.

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