The prime spot is the one that has the birds. 
OK, I’m only half joking. That’s the reason why you can’t fill the freezer by hunting on the internet. The interweb is a great tool, but it only goes so far.
What I’d be looking for this time of year is proximity to harvested fields. I’d want to be working the edges of the cover that are adjacent to food sources. It’s relatively warm, so the birds often will stay in holding cover where they can sun themselves in relative safety, but move into the stubble to feed.
As always, my number 1 tip for public land is work it backwards. Whatever the average hunter does, do the opposite. If the parking area is on the south side, walk the edge and start hunting from the north. Whatever the easy thing is to do, do it the other way.
Just like we try to pattern game movement, the game is always patterning OUR movements. Once they learn that the predators (us) tend to approach from a certain direction, they hear a noise from that direction and it’s “we’re outta here” time.