This Weather is BS!

  • look-a-like
    St. Charles, MN
    Posts: 293

    I just watched them catch Lake Trout icefishing on the Sportsman channel

    Pete Bauer
    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2599

    What Channel?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    That’s weird. I’ve never ice fished for cats in my life.

    I think maybe, just maybe, those guys aren’t “us” guys.

    Our first ice shows this week have fish in them that look a lot like the fish in the next post.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    No whiskers here!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    PS – The video for the first episode will be online early saturday AM 11/15/07 (around 1 AM) and we’ll post a new one every two weeks from that point going forward.

    Posts: 4062

    BK is brainwashing me,

    great show

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Where these the spoons you where using?

    Yes, those are the ones. Blue / Silver in the 1/4 ounce. After the reception those lakers gave the slender spoons I’m looking forward to trying some of the other sizes and colors out for walleyes, perch and crappies. The fall rate is much slower than a typical jigging spoon and that slower, fluttering fall seemed to be exactly what those fish wanted.

    If you’ve never fished for lakers you need to put it at the top of your list of things to do. The fight basically lasts “one minute per pound” and the runs after the hook set are incredible. We had several fish that took 15 – 20 minutes to land from start to finish. I love catching walleye but no ‘eye could ever do that!

    Posts: 2014

    To think I’ll be pheasant hunting! instead.

    Posts: 26

    Nice laker , agree with the comments on “minute per pound”. Caught on Superior off Bayfield?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Scott Steil caught that one on Lake of the Woods last march during the filming of the laker episode that will air over the next couple weeks.

    I’ve never hit Superior for lakers through the ice but I’ve seen some of the photos of the bruisers that are iced every winter on the big lake. I’m not sure where I’ll be going this winter for my laker fix but I know I’m going to make sure I make a trip somewhere to try it again. It was quite the experience.

    Posts: 26

    True, Superior has some chunky ones, best fishing is near the islands. Most fish are pretty lethargic in 35 deg. water, Lakers are just getting comfey…

    Posts: 4062

    Those things look HOT falling back down. I wonder if anyone in MN stocks them?



    Where these the spoons you where using?

    Yes, those are the ones. Blue / Silver in the 1/4 ounce. After the reception those lakers gave the slender spoons I’m looking forward to trying some of the other sizes and colors out for walleyes, perch and crappies. The fall rate is much slower than a typical jigging spoon and that slower, fluttering fall seemed to be exactly what those fish wanted.

    If you’ve never fished for lakers you need to put it at the top of your list of things to do. The fight basically lasts “one minute per pound” and the runs after the hook set are incredible. We had several fish that took 15 – 20 minutes to land from start to finish. I love catching walleye but no ‘eye could ever do that!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I’m not sure if Gander, etc., carries them or not. I went the internet order route to get my supply. Bob “fishbizbob” Gillispie visits this site all the time. If he runs across this post I’m sure he’ll have an answer for you.

    Posts: 198

    Excellent Video James & Scott!!! I was pleasantly surprised by not only the quantity of the fish ,but THE SIZE!!!! Those were pigs, I’ve never had the pleasure of Lake Trout fishing through the ice, but I will shortly. I’m going to make sure it happens this winter!!!! I can’t imagine pulling one of those brutes through an ice hole.

    I’m sure it not only required great gear ( especially the lures ) ,good scouting/location, but loads of TALENT by the fisherman!!! I thought I’d say it before you did

    The lures are available on the website, over the phone or via Mail ( I’ll be happy to send anyone a catalog out). We do sell some to a few of the distributors, but I can’t tell you any specific stores that carry them.. Hopefully after this video more stores will be asking for them.

    Once again, Great job guys, terrific video, glad we could be part of it.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19008

    Wind and rain coming. Couldn’t be a worse combo for Grouse.
    Nice weekdays and suck [censored] weekends so far this season. I hope things are better for Pheasant season.

    Menomonie Wi.
    Posts: 260

    Agreed but we need some hard freezes to slim down the lady bugs, it is nuts in the stand as they are swarming me.

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    I feel your pain. Intermittent rain and big wind last Friday, rain and big wind Saturday and a nice Sunday. I saw as many birds Sunday morning as I did all day Friday and Saturday combined.

    I’m going to give it another go this weekend despite the forecast.

    Posts: 731


    Couldn’t be a worse combo for Grouse.

    I beg your pardon.


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19008



    Couldn’t be a worse combo for Grouse.

    I beg your pardon.


    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    While we really do need the rain, weekday rain is way better than weekend rain!

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5569


    While we really do need the rain, weekday rain is way better than weekend rain!


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Well, that rain is banking hard to the NW of me right now.

    Posts: 9311


    While we really do need the rain, weekday rain is way better than weekend rain!

    Almost all of my days off end up being during the week. It works out great for me.

Viewing 25 posts - 1 through 25 (of 25 total)

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