Which shotgun?

  • tom_gursky
    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    Hey guys, I want to get back into Pheasant(75%) and Goose(25%) hunting. I only have a 20 ga OU in my arsenal. What are your suggestions for a 12 ga for around $500? (I hope I can get a decent one for that )

    I used my Dad’s Ithaca mod 37 for years, but haven’t had one for quite a while.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4082

    I love carrying around a lighter Rem 870 pump 12ga when I pheasant hunt. Getting off shots is no problem. For waterfowl hunting I have to use the semi auto Rem 1187 because those birds fly too fast. Whatever you get make sure you can shoot 3 in. shells atleast. I am partial to Remingtons, but my brother shoots a Beretta and he seems to like it. My only complaint with the Beretta is that the stock is too long for shouldering the gun and getting off fast shots.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4082

    I love carrying around a lighter Rem 870 pump 12ga when I pheasant hunt. Getting off shots is no problem. For waterfowl hunting I have to use the semi auto Rem 1187 because those birds fly too fast. Whatever you get make sure you can shoot 3 in. shells atleast. I am partial to Remingtons, but my brother shoots a Beretta and he seems to like it. My only complaint with the Beretta is that the stock is too long for shouldering the gun and getting off fast shots.

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Hi Tom,you can get a great 12. gauge for around $500.The 870 is a great all around gun and I still hunt off and on with mine.I also hunt with a Benelli Nova and I’m very happy with it also.You can pick it up for $400 at the most and it shoots 3 1/2 shells.Take care and best of luck.
    Ryan Hale

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Hi Tom,you can get a great 12. gauge for around $500.The 870 is a great all around gun and I still hunt off and on with mine.I also hunt with a Benelli Nova and I’m very happy with it also.You can pick it up for $400 at the most and it shoots 3 1/2 shells.Take care and best of luck.
    Ryan Hale

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 168

    I use to shoot nothing but Mossberg’s but now have a Browning Gold and just love it…. If you want to save alittle over an auto then I would recommend a Browning BPS… the boy has one and he shoots everything from pheasants, ducks and geese with it.


    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 168

    I use to shoot nothing but Mossberg’s but now have a Browning Gold and just love it…. If you want to save alittle over an auto then I would recommend a Browning BPS… the boy has one and he shoots everything from pheasants, ducks and geese with it.


    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    I have a few different brands, but I have to admitt, dollar for dollar, you can’t beat a 870 WINGMASTER. The Wingmaster is not the same as the 870 express. The Wingmaster is more than just the wood and the finish. The Wingmaster has a higher quality standard for the specs in the manufacturing, plus uses better grades of metal.

    You can get a Wingmaster, 3″, with 28″ barrell for $500.

    I shoot a Wingmaster in trap shooting. If I’ve put one round through her, I’ve put 10,000……….Not one issue or failure.

    If I only had $500 to buy, I’d buy another one….

    I’ve thought about picking up a Mossberg for a “hunting” gun, but then contemplated as to why shoot a different brand than what I shoot all summer.

    I’m at the point as to “who cares” if I ding her up a bit, working brush or whatever.

    Just my 2 cents……

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    I have a few different brands, but I have to admitt, dollar for dollar, you can’t beat a 870 WINGMASTER. The Wingmaster is not the same as the 870 express. The Wingmaster is more than just the wood and the finish. The Wingmaster has a higher quality standard for the specs in the manufacturing, plus uses better grades of metal.

    You can get a Wingmaster, 3″, with 28″ barrell for $500.

    I shoot a Wingmaster in trap shooting. If I’ve put one round through her, I’ve put 10,000……….Not one issue or failure.

    If I only had $500 to buy, I’d buy another one….

    I’ve thought about picking up a Mossberg for a “hunting” gun, but then contemplated as to why shoot a different brand than what I shoot all summer.

    I’m at the point as to “who cares” if I ding her up a bit, working brush or whatever.

    Just my 2 cents……

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    i truely despise my 870 express for bird hunting. it’s to stocky and doesn’t pull up right on me. i really have to work to get it situated in the “arm pocket”. it also wants to hang up on me every once in a while and not let me eject the spent shell.

    so now i’m using my dad’s old 1100 for ducks and pheasant and i really like it much better. you don’t even have to think about how your pullin it up, it naturally ends up in the right spot every time. i’m also shooting much more accurate with it.

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    i truely despise my 870 express for bird hunting. it’s to stocky and doesn’t pull up right on me. i really have to work to get it situated in the “arm pocket”. it also wants to hang up on me every once in a while and not let me eject the spent shell.

    so now i’m using my dad’s old 1100 for ducks and pheasant and i really like it much better. you don’t even have to think about how your pullin it up, it naturally ends up in the right spot every time. i’m also shooting much more accurate with it.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    i use an old belgium browning semi auto and i’ll never trade, but i’ve heard alot about the old model 1100’s, i’ve always heard that thier a nice gun

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    i use an old belgium browning semi auto and i’ll never trade, but i’ve heard alot about the old model 1100’s, i’ve always heard that thier a nice gun

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    I have an old A-5 too. It is heavy, but fits well and has never failed me on a recoil/ejection. What a geat gun!

    Because of the good shape it’s in, I don’t want to “burn it up” by shooting trap or beat it up in woods, so I stick with my wingmaster

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    I have an old A-5 too. It is heavy, but fits well and has never failed me on a recoil/ejection. What a geat gun!

    Because of the good shape it’s in, I don’t want to “burn it up” by shooting trap or beat it up in woods, so I stick with my wingmaster

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19026

    I can also vouch for the Rem 870 Wingmaster. Once in great while it will hang an empty but this has been basically a flawless gun for 24 years. I have been using it on weekly summer trap league every week for 5 years so it see’s alot of action. Very easy to break down and clean as well.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19026

    I can also vouch for the Rem 870 Wingmaster. Once in great while it will hang an empty but this has been basically a flawless gun for 24 years. I have been using it on weekly summer trap league every week for 5 years so it see’s alot of action. Very easy to break down and clean as well.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    I sure appreciate the advice guys….now if I can only get a little “early Christmas $$$$ from Momma.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    I sure appreciate the advice guys….now if I can only get a little “early Christmas $$$$ from Momma.

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