Probably be the last!

  • chappy
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    Well……As I stated last week, I was going out hunting with a few guys in the Windom area.There are no pictures to post. Started out Friday on some Privite land near Jackson. Area was a mix of Bull Rushes and grass. Chased up 5 hens on about 5 acres of land. Not a bad start. Went to some public land about 20 miles from there and spent the rest of the day working Cattails. We saw a grand total of 5 birds in this area as well. But that was 6 guys,2 dogs for 4 hours! We saw more deer than we did Pheasant. Well…..Sat. had to be a better day right? I called Francis..AKA Fishanytime along and we hit some more private land. 8 guys, 3 dogs and 1 hen. Stop number 2….Public land that was huge! The one and only Rooster for the weekend fell on Francis’s 2nd shot! A few more hens and a couple more deer was it. Lunch and some good times in Fulda. Out for 1 more push…..1 more hen! Lets go to the Phat Pheasant and see if Francis’s bird has a long enough tail. 21″. They had a 1 day tournament going on and it was good enough for 2nd place. Very low bird count we say for the amount of area we walked!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    If we can somehow maintain this mild weather, the birds will rebound strongly next spring.

    Posts: 171

    only if there are some hens, will the populations improve. In my area there are way to many hawks and other predators, and not neer enough habitat.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    No doubt, predators play a huge role in brood success. I’ve read articles in the past that show dramatic survival increases when the predators are kept in check.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854

    I didn’t see too many if any preditor tracks in the snow. Mostly rabbits.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    Predators are tough on ’em, but can you imagine the weather they have been enduring that last couple of springs as well trying to bring off their hatches???


    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    That sounds like fun. I have a few more trips in my before I will need to put the gun away for another year.

    Late Season Rules

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854


    That sounds like fun. I have a few more trips in my before I will need to put the gun away for another year.

    Late Season Rules

    If you’ve got the place..I have the rest of the year off…..Give me a shout.

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