Pretty quiet around here…

  • fish_any_time
    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    This week I’ll start chasing birds again most every weekend until the ice on Mille holds me. I have not been out since MEA.

    Anyway, have the sloughs started to freeze in the southwest part of the state? I am wondering what the conditions will be like this coming Thursday.

    Posts: 121

    The sloghs i hunted near this weekend were frozen. Birds can run on em but i wouldnt try to. Got my four birds but the snow helped i am sure. Sounds like it will be gone by then tho.

    Anoka county
    Posts: 302

    Most areas I have hunted down sw the water has been so low it didn’t make it to the cattails. The muck should be hard to walk on tho . Little more walking this year but it has been pretty good!

    SC/SW MN
    Posts: 1081

    All of the sloughs have been frozen since Thursday morning and most of the big waters froze this morning. With 45 temps tomorrow and Tues, 55 on Wed, and 60 on Thursday; I think you will be seeing open water down here unfortunately. On a positive note for you, we have seen extremely dry conditions since late July/early August in this part of the state. I am willing to say that most of the sloughs you plan to hunt will most likely not have water in the cattails. Lots of streams are bone dry and medium sized sloughs were only inches deep by the time we hit big water for ducks.

    Good luck, shoot um up

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    Thanks for the reports, guys.

    Shoot me a PM if any of you will be in the Jackson area this holiday weekend. I’d be happy to compare notes and help out.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18471

    SD in three weeks. I love hard core Dec pheasant hunting.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4036

    I will be out Friday and maybe the rest of this weekend. I’m hoping to find some birds in a few spots close to home and then hit the honey holes if need be. The pup and I have been doing alot more waterfowl hunting this year, but I know we both would rather be pheasant hunting.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3668

    Thanksgiving is and always will be a great day to chase pheasants. My Bro in law and I will be out, and this year we are taking my nephew for the first time. Looking forward to another great day hunting with family

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4036

    How did it go?

    We made it out Friday morning and headed straight to the honey hole. In the first slough we we pushed out a coyote and as a result no birds. He was just out of range too. In the next slough we flushed 4 roosters and 12-15 hens. We had shots at 2 of the roosters, but came up empty. Spot number 3 was a grove near by where some of the birds flew into. We only flushed 2, but they were both big old roosters and this time we didn’t miss. Here is my buddy Noah with the results of our quick morning hunt.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3668

    We made it out. One young dog and three guys and saw one bird that flushed wild. I hope to make it out this weekend again and go for a walk again

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