Yeah I’ve only caught maybe 15 smallmouth ever on that lake in 15 years of fishing the lake. One went 20 inches though that I caught at night.

Posts: 592
March 6, 2008 at 6:20 pm
IDO » Forums » Hunting Forums » Upland Game Hunting – Pheasants, Quail & Grouse » Brutal
Yeah I’ve only caught maybe 15 smallmouth ever on that lake in 15 years of fishing the lake. One went 20 inches though that I caught at night.
After reading some of the posts I was turned off by the deep snow reports. I had yesterday off and wrestled with myself all morning as to wether I wanted to give it a try. By noon I had the car loaded up and ready to go. Part of the reason for my decision is that my dog Chelsea is (I think) 10 (I got her from the pound) and her hunts are numbered, the other part is I think I lost some common sense when I fell on the ice last year and hit my head. We arrived at 1:30 to very deep snow. I gotta thank the guys that hit the spot before me and forged a trail. I just wish that you would have made it ALL the way around the swamp. The tracks ended 1/2 way around the swamp and at that point I was now the bulldozer. 3/4 of the way around the swamp we had seen lots of track but no birds. The first half was easy going stepping in someone elses tracks the last half was BRUTAL. Chelsea took some tracks up in a field and would take two steps and then disappear in the drifts. I was up to my crotch in the white stuff when I saw a rooster fly out of the swamp to the field in front of us. we made a beeline for it and birds started busting 60 yards out I lost count but would say that at least 50 took the air and flew into the middle of the cattails. We checked it out and of course the two stragglers that got up were both hens. They had been feeding on leftover beans and it looked like a chicken yard. Walked a little further and hit a small treeline and birds started busting again 20 or so this time. Quite a few took a path over my head but all were hens. Made my way towards them and a rooster came out the back and caught the wind, I took two long desperation shots and missed. Poor dog was on my heals most of the day, she usually gets cussed at for that but not today. She had a little something extra in her dish when we got home. The birds are there but like the way most of this season went down BIG advantage roosters. Can not wait til next year I am just glad I have 9 months or so to nurse the sore muscles back to health and hope the dog holds out (she has not moved from in front of the heater since we got home) for another year of fun!!
Part of the reason for my decision is that my dog Chelsea is (I think) 10 (I got her from the pound) and her hunts are numbered,
That is why I’m heading out tomorrow, my dog is 10 also. Thanks for sharing the great report Zoomer and I will let you know how we do when we return from SD.
I compliment you for your efforts Zoomer! It sounds like you made the most of your hunt and that’s all you can ask for.
Thanks for sharing.
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