a little help needed

  • Matt Hall
    Mount Horeb, WI
    Posts: 392

    That was so mean, I could see that new St. Croix in my hand for a split second.

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    Mean I tell you, just plain mean….

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    Sorry guys

    Posts: 4179

    Word on the street is that it took over 40 lbs to win today!

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967


    Word on the street is that it took over 40 lbs to win today!

    WOW !!!!! what a day if that is true

    Posts: 517

    ok, so i’m like super new to bird hunting. finally got a good dog that will retrieve. trained him well, he knows how to find birds and retrieve them. the problem is, now where do i start. i dont even know where to go for pheasent hunting. can anybody give me a push, i live in minneapolis. and i am willing to drive 3 to 4 hours out just so my dog can chase birds. thanks to all the help and hints.

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    You don’t need to drive 3-4 hours to find good hunting. There are all kinds of WMA’s around the metro, head north, south, east or west, lots of great land to hunt. With this weather we are having, I would suggest finding thick grass or better yet, cattails.(have fun walking, I hate cattails) The birds are going to be in the thicker stuff

    The Mn Dnr is a great place to start your search for hunting land. Also, the deer season will be over soon and getting on some private land may be a little easier, just go knock on some doors, worst they can tell you is no. If you get permission on some private stuff, go back when your done hunting to say Thanks, it goes a long way if you plan to come back and hunt. I always ask the land owners name, first and last. If I get permission to hunt, I walk to the truck and write their name down in my note book. It will come in handy in the future when I show back up at their farm to hunt again.

    Good luck and happy hunting

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 1303

    The Mn DNR web site has a pheasant density map. Overlay that with their map of public hunting areas and your in bussiness.

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