Due to work I was unable to make it out on opener. Instead I took Tuesday off and headed out west of Litchfield. I hit a couple smaller spots early and only saw a handfull of hens. I later went to a large wma that was surrounded by unpicked corn and beans. I hit the edges first and got nothing, I then moved into the cattails and got several hens to flush. I walked deeper into the cattails and the dog got hot and I could hear him running in the water. I followed as deep as I could without getting soaked and he flushed one rooster about 10 yards in front of me. I waited a few seconds to let it get out and bang one rooster down. I marked the bird and a few seconds later he jumped three more birds and two more roosters. Picked the bird and hit it at about 30 yards deep in the cattails. Dog made two great finds and we were on our way.
Wed I got out closer to home and found a few hunters in most spots. Did a lot of walking in some new areas and managed to see one bird, one rooster and one kill. Got that bird around 2pm after hunting all morning. Both me and the dog were beat.
Good couple first days
Bad news is that my knee was sore and I went to the dr yesterday and found that a knee injury I suffered at work in July may be worse than expected. I have an mri next week. Dr thinks I have a torn Miniscis(?) Anyways, Good hunting.