Wi Grouse Report 9/19

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844

    What a suprise. I got to a covert I was excited about after hunting for the first time last year and it was grouse heaven. Location was everything. I stopped by a few other spots and saw nothing. Birds appeared to be hanging near swamps which doesnt suprise me with the dry weather. Perfect cover seemed to be a must. Anything else and you were wasting your time. Water was hard to come by. I didnt even get my feet wet walking through lowland. I ended up with my limit by 9:30 Sat morning. A rare event and probably my first time in Wis. Bear hunters were out and about with their hounds and I saw a hound on a gravel road that tried unsuccessfuly to follow my truck! Also had a huge bear cross the road in front of me. I know bears and this one was a dude. A real roly poly fat body. Anyways I’m very happy to say I am having my first grouse dinner tonight. On to northern MN Thur morning to chase them again.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6101

    Congrats Suzuki and your successful hunt! Do you have any pictures to share with us? If not, don’t forget that camera the next time out.

    Posts: 2389


    Duck/pheasant trip for me coming up in 3 weeks!!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Nicely done Suzuki!

    I can’t wait to get out in the field with the Pup.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844

    I rarely get pics of Grouse since I normally field dress them right away and get the meat on ice. I’m hunting with a buddy this weekend. I will try to get some pics.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844

    Made it to Wi again this weekend. Got in the woods a couple times between showers and picked up one bird. Funny situation. I was driving around waiting for the rain to stop early Sat morning. Finally I had enough and decided to hike an overgrown 2-track so I would not get totally soaked busting brush. It was basically just a walk for my dog because the cover wasnt birdy looking so I just grabbed my .22 I get about 200 yards in and everything changes. The covers was sweet. I mean it looked/felt soooo grousy. Even so with all the rain I didnt expect to see anything but my dog got hot and flushed one in the woods about 15 yards from the trail. It landed in a tree and I had a .22. You know the rest of the story. Haven’t took one with a rifle in years. I liked it. Meat is totally unscathed. I was able to bust some really good cover for a bit later in the day. Flushed 4 or 5 in a very short period of time and never fired a shot. Wind was picking up so they were getting spooky and flushing long. Put up 3 woodcocks so they are still around. I dont hunt them. I’m so lucky this year. Three successful grouse weekends in a row. I might try to make it four.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    Trying to get my young one out and get some shooting over here head. That part has been going along nicely. Made the move north to get away from the tick infested coverts I was in last week and moved a nice bunch of birds in a two hour walk. Still just enough leaves around to make the shooting part a little tough yet. Sat. (10-10) put up three grouse in an hour, Sun. (10-11) 8 grouse flushes, three woodcock. The little girl (16 weeks) heard plenty of shooting on Sunday, just need to get some feathers and warm meat in her snout!!! Gotta go and get ’em in the woods. The old trooper (10 Years old) just keeps putting ’em up!!!


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18844

    Sounds good Mark. I plan to hit it hard up there this weekend with a buddy. Hope the weather is good.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    Talked with some guys in from the Mercer area that used a guide and talked about 65 flushes and a limit of wood cock from last weekend, though I haven’t seen a bird now since Monday where we flushed three and got to shoot at one and got it!!! Little girls story in the dog section. Heading south to Goose and Pheasant hunt this weekend the Madison with the family for the first time in a long time.

    Went south of town again for the last time until the ground freezes or the snow falls. Over 36 ticks again last night, where the further north we go the ticks have been almost non-existent


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