Crow Hunting?

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    We have states south of Michigan?? When did this happen!??

    Generally what happens is the guys from another state start posting in one forum…there gets to be a small group and then wham! A new forum is created.

    Thanks for pointing this out..Hey, I do have a question for you…how did you hear about IDO??


    South East,Mn
    Posts: 91

    Hey Brad suggested the topic, and i would love to hear other guys ways to get crows to come in. I was using 3 plastic decoys, 50 yards aways, and my foxpro on crow fight also 50 yards away. The first bird will come in within 10 minutes, and right to the decoys. I have not got more then one bird to come in during a sit. My questions are, Do you let the first bird hang out and boost confidence? Will and owl decoy help? Do I need more decoys or decoys at all? Is there anymore sounds that will help? Thanks for any help!

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Always, Always, ALWAYS shoot the first bird in if it’s alone.

    There’s three ways to shoot numbers of crows. If you’re not in an area with high numbers, run n’ gun. Drive around until you see or hear birds, and set up. Shoot the ones that come in and keep on moving.

    If you’re in an area with high numbers, either find a feeding field and make a decoy set for them……or find a fly way. These two routes can be feast or famine, but just like any bird hunting the feast is worth a couple famine sets!

    Here’s a hint: If you’re from S.E. MN, Rochester has a HUGE population of crows during the winter season. We’ve had some great shoots hunting birds heading in and out of town. Just like the geese, get under the flyway!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22973

    What do you do with the crows ??? PLEASE !!! Don’t tell me they are great with cream of mushroom… Is it strictly for sport or a nuisance reduction hunt ? I really don’t, but want to know…..

    Waumandee, WI
    Posts: 695

    Bone them out grind them up and make brats. They are really good.

    Waumandee, WI
    Posts: 695

    I was kidding! Give them to the cats. It is a lot of fun.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22973

    swiminjig…… you had me going…. Thank god for that !!!

    Almost North of 8
    Posts: 148

    I’m planning to hunt crows seriously this year and have been researching and talking to some guys that hunt them on a regular basis. Here is some of what I have picked up.
    Always shoot the first crow and every crow! Crows are smarter than one would think and once they have “busted” you or your set up, or shot at and missed a crow will sit out of shot gun range and warn other crows of you.

    You need to be camouflaged really well. As good as if not better than for waterfowl! Full camo, face masks and gloves a blind is great also.

    As far as decoys and set ups check out this site- great info with beginner how to info as well as advanced techniques.

    As to the “why hunt them” keeps your shot good, reduces the crow population that raid pheasant, grouse, and duck nests, plus they wake me up when I want to sleep in .

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    You gotta read the hate mail and the replies on that web site. Hillarious.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19026

    I normally leave them where they fall. Hey, crows need enemies too.

    We have been running/gunning them for years. I have listened to recordings so much I can pretty much duplicate them all with mouth calls which is all I have used the last few years. I do a great ‘crow in distress’. Closes the deal everytime…

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Never knew there were so many crow calls…

    Crow Busters is a pretty cool website with lots of good information. Another hunt to add to the list!

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    WI Crow Season is:

    Jan. 25 – March 20
    Sept. 12 – Nov. 19

    MN Crow season is:

    3/1/09 – 3/31/09
    07/15/09 – 10/15/09

    Why is there such a big discrepancy?

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    Just curious, do you use crow shooting as a training session for your dog?

    This past weekend I was up at the deer shack where I have dusted crows in the past. I dropped one and my young lab marked the crow fall. I sent her to retrieve the crow but she wouldn’t pick up the crow. Fowl/upland birds she is crazy about, but she wouldn’t touch the crow. Is this normal?

    All of the above tactics are what I use for crows and be sure to dust the single “scout” crow or the game is done and time to move on.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19026

    I think it is normal. Neither my dog or my buddies dog would pick them up either. We didnt force the issue because we knew they would pick up game birds.
    Now I just keep my dog out of it and shoot them purely for fun. Plus its challenging since they are so smart.
    The seasons have never made sense to me.

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 698


    WI Crow Season is:

    Jan. 25 – March 20
    Sept. 12 – Nov. 19

    MN Crow season is:

    3/1/09 – 3/31/09
    07/15/09 – 10/15/09

    Why is there such a big discrepancy?

    Why is there a season at all? Aren’t they about the equivalent of a junkfish?

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097



    WI Crow Season is:

    Jan. 25 – March 20
    Sept. 12 – Nov. 19

    MN Crow season is:

    3/1/09 – 3/31/09
    07/15/09 – 10/15/09

    Why is there such a big discrepancy?

    Why is there a season at all? Aren’t they about the equivalent of a junkfish?

    I’m not sure about the details, but the seasons are due to the fact that the American Crow is listed as a Migratory Bird under the Treaty Act of 1918.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19026

    I wish I could hunt them in my neighborhood in Woodbury. They wreak havoc on the song bird nests. Dont even have Kildeer around my place anymore. As irritating as they sound I miss them….

    Almost North of 8
    Posts: 148

    Along with the different season dates between MN and WI you also need a small game license in WI to hunt crow. No license required in MN.

    South East,Mn
    Posts: 91

    In our opinion there is no season, If you seen the damage they do to our melons, and squash, its horrible. I shoot them and leave them also. Some where down the trail I was on a site that had recipes for those nasty things. Suzuki does the distress after the fight call, help bring them in? Thanks for all the info

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Great topic guys with a lot of inofmration being shaed. That is the foundation that this site is built on.

    I just never thought a Crow Thread would be so interesting.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    And the answer is NO – we are not starting a crow forum….

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19026


    And the answer is NO – we are not starting a crow forum….

    Fun thread. I have some serious crow gear (decoys, electtonics) but have never been a super serious crow hunter. We like to make sets between grouse hunts while we are running and gunning anyways. Really adds to the action. Just be careful not to shoot ravens when up north. They are the good guys and off limits.

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 1290

    There should be a bottle of anti-bacterial around after you read this thread, stupid dirty garbage birds i cant believe BigfootHunter actually touched one

    zachary fries
    Central Nebraska
    Posts: 1435

    We hand out the covetted “Boone and Crowket” trophy to the winner of the crow with the longest wingspan at our annual crow hunt that we have every February. Man it’s a lot of fun calling those things in!!!!!!

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