looking for a place for grouse hunting

  • pahaarstad
    Posts: 712

    I’m looking for a place to go grouse hunting less then 2 north of the metro, any ideas? With the cost of gas I do not want to go to far. Is there any state land that one can make a day trip to? I need to put my dog on some grouse thanks.

    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    Make a line from Hinkley going west. Everything south of that line is within a 2 hour from downtown Minneapolis. So, in that area are many management areas, state land and county land that is open for puplic use. MN DNR has maps available on line for the WMA’s. Your typical road map will show state forests.

    Good luck.


    I Second the surrounding hinckley area. Anywhere north by Sandstone and Askov has quite amount of public land, as well as anything west of Hinckley going towards Mille Lacs.

    We had some great luck in these areas in years past.

    Good Luck!

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    State land around Staples/Motley area is good too…..

    big G

    Posts: 712

    Thanks for the good info. I hope the bird numbers are up this year. Has any one seen any reports.

    Posts: 2014

    ROck Marsh WMA May hold a bird or two…. I’ll let you know later.

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    The PRIM maps (Public Recreation Information Maps) are good. They cost about $5 and are available from the DNR and there is a Minnesota book store in St. Paul that has these and all sorts of other goodies. I can’t remember all the details off the top of my head; but it is near the State Capital in St. Paul.

    I’m looking at the Mora Area Prim map and that has a lot of places to check out. The obvious one is the Mille Lacs WMA which is huge (and it gets pounded) The smaller more out of the way ones might be worth checking out. And state forest land is also open; but make sure you’re on state forest land. Quite a few individuals who live back in those areas look and act like they are straight out of the movie “Deliverance”


    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137


    ROck Marsh WMA May hold a bird or two…. I’ll let you know later.

    I’m looking at that on the map. Just a 1/2 hour from my folks. Thanks for the tip!


    Posts: 2014

    DD have you made it out to Rock Marsh yet? I’ll be there in less than 24 hours. Hopefully I will have something to show for it too.

    Posts: 712

    what county is rock marsh in?

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    By the sounds of it either Kanabec or Isanti.

    Posts: 712

    thanks that will make looking it up faster.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    If you strike otu in those 2 counties look east!

    I think that would be Chisago or ??

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    I haven’t made it there yet. My dog Daisy isn’t acquainted to well with grouse yet. Was hoping to get her acquainted today at my Dad’s place; but we ended up just getting out for an hour and we just went looking for the ditch chickens. But! We will get some grousing in this year.

    And you other guys keep looking in Isanti and Kanabec.


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