What the best steel shot load

  • pahaarstad
    Posts: 712

    With much of the public land now you have to shoot steel what is the best load for phesants. I have been shooting 3″ #4 winchester’s with a mod. choke. I have not been real happy with the way kill. I used it on game farm and on wild birds and have had to chase down to many birds . What are some loads you guys have been using? Do I need to go up to a #2?

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    If I shoot Steel, I typically use 3″ #2’s. o

    Otherwise I use 2 3/4″ & 3″ #4’s LEAD at this time of the year.

    Federal Premium

    Posts: 712

    I have been hunting WPA and WMA mostly this year. So insted of making sure I do not have any lead in my vest I went with all steel this year. Most of the game farm want you to have steel too.

    Posts: 712

    are you shooting steel threw a full choke? If so what kind are you using? I thought you could not shoot a full choke with steel. Would a pattern master work.

    hastings mn
    Posts: 1525

    3″ #2’s is the onlt way to go late season for sure, and this is what I use all season. I shoot them thru a MOD. choke.

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    These bad boys are my favorite

    I only shot 2 3/4- #4 all season long. Lots of power

    Posts: 4

    If you can afford to use the bismuth or heavyshot, they are far superior to steel. If you are going with steel, I would stay away from winchester, they hollow out the pellets and though they have the same size as any other manufacturer, they lose energy much faster.Cut one open and see for yourself, they have a little hole in the pellets and are hollow.I have had good luck with 2 and 3 steel for pheasants and waterfowl with federal or remington. Good luck!

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Late season would be 1’s or 2’s in 3″. If you are shooting High Vis like 1500-1550, use a Mod or Improved. The faster shot needs a more open choke. I used a lot of 1’s even for geese over decoys and that really whacks them. The pattern seems to fall apart and spread out more with High Vis and full choke. Remember, steel does not restrict like lead.

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