Well here it is guys!!!!! the final final. It took some doing but I got it done. So here it goes:
The 14th Annual Rooster Run will be held at ROYAL FLUSH SHOOTING PRESERVE on February 2nd and 3rd. The cost will be $125.00 per person per day. $125.00 gets you 5 roosters released,(YES I SAID ROOSTERS!!! )lunch and beverage,plus a whole lot of fun. Hunting will start each day at 9am. with half of your birds released in your field. Around noon everyone will head back to the club house for a great lunch and a little bull sh%ting(BK is going to be there)
Then back out to your field and the second half of your birds. John has added 8 more fields this year and the cover is great so we have lots and lots of room to
. Im sure a few of the guys who went last year will pop on and give there opinions on the absolutly A+ operation John and Kris run. You WILL have an awesome time!!!
here is the link http://www.royalflushshootingpreserve.com
A few extras…..
John has a few beds available at the bunk house for those of you who want to come up the night befor the hunt, or choose not to drive home after your hunt at a cost of $20.00 per person per night.
Also Saturday evening John is again going to make us an incredible PRIME RIB!!! diner for $18.99 !!! I had this last year and the prime rib was so HUGE I hade to get another plate for my potato and vegies!!
any questions give me a yell otherwise we will see you there!!