• corey_waller
    hastings mn
    Posts: 1525

    Well here it is guys!!!!! the final final. It took some doing but I got it done. So here it goes:

    The 14th Annual Rooster Run will be held at ROYAL FLUSH SHOOTING PRESERVE on February 2nd and 3rd. The cost will be $125.00 per person per day. $125.00 gets you 5 roosters released,(YES I SAID ROOSTERS!!! )lunch and beverage,plus a whole lot of fun. Hunting will start each day at 9am. with half of your birds released in your field. Around noon everyone will head back to the club house for a great lunch and a little bull sh%ting(BK is going to be there) Then back out to your field and the second half of your birds. John has added 8 more fields this year and the cover is great so we have lots and lots of room to . Im sure a few of the guys who went last year will pop on and give there opinions on the absolutly A+ operation John and Kris run. You WILL have an awesome time!!!

    here is the link http://www.royalflushshootingpreserve.com

    A few extras…..

    John has a few beds available at the bunk house for those of you who want to come up the night befor the hunt, or choose not to drive home after your hunt at a cost of $20.00 per person per night.

    Also Saturday evening John is again going to make us an incredible PRIME RIB!!! diner for $18.99 !!! I had this last year and the prime rib was so HUGE I hade to get another plate for my potato and vegies!!

    any questions give me a yell otherwise we will see you there!!


    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    One of the best, if not the best I have been too and I have seen quite a few hunitng preserves. The bad news it is over a month away.

    Corey a few questions. When do we pay and can we bring our dogs again???

    Staice, Rufus, and I are in.

    hastings mn
    Posts: 1525

    Pay me the day of your hunt. I dont want John of Kris to have to worry about chaseing people. There is less confusion with everyone paying me, then I pay them.

    AAAHHHH YES the subject of dogs!!!
    Here is the deal
    All dogs are welcome… As long as you have a trained AND UNDER CONTROLL DOG they are welcome. Let me explain myself, this has only been an issue one time in 14 years. There is nothing worse than paying $125.00 to go have fun and shoot roosters only to have Joe Shmoe’s dog go wild with all the scent and chase birds out the end of the field out of gun range. People tend to get a little irritated. Now I understand we are talking about dogs and they can be dumb sometimes so that is why I say all dogs are welcome, BUT if your dog has a habit of taking off and hunting for himself either dont bring it, or if it happens I will ask you to put it away.
    I am not trying to be an a-hole. hope I explained myself so everyone understands.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22974

    You have my attention… need to check the dates

    big g

    hastings mn
    Posts: 1525

    there will be a few people who need to be paired. no problem come have fun! I wont put you with BK

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 214

    I was going to ask the same question as Roosterrouster. You answered it already.
    I’ve been looking at British Labs and have spent ALOT of time on the Royalty British Kennels website. This will give me the chance to go check it out…..once “the better half” ok’s it!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    FM Last year, we got a great tour of his Kennel and got to see his dogs.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 214


    FM Last year, we got a great tour of his Kennel and got to see his dogs.

    hastings mn
    Posts: 1525

    Im sure John would gladly give us another tour of the kennel. You gotta see his operation to belive it.

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    Daisy and I are in! Not sure if we’ll do one day or two. Is anybody considering going both days and possibly staying over? I get turned loose so infrequently I like to milk it for all its worth.


    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854


    I’m out again this year! I still won’t get to hunt with Lip! My son Dan has a hockey Tournament again that weekend! Come On….Pick one weekend I can go!!!! You guy’s need to talk with me before you schedule these things!

    Posts: 4062

    On the calender

    Posts: 4062

    Did you say a little BS’ing if BK is going to be there , you better get a bigger shovel. ,

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Wheeew…. That was a close one. I’m still living Chappy Free.

    That sucks Chap. I was looking forward to seeing your Dog work!

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854


    Wheeew…. That was a close one. I’m still living Chappy Free.

    That sucks Chap. I was looking forward to seeing your Dog work!

    Tell me about it! Same here with Rufus!

    hastings mn
    Posts: 1525

    come on Chappy. figure it out!!!and get your up there

    Andover MN.
    Posts: 390

    I’m in, just need to figure out if its one or two days and if its a sleep over. I broke down and spent the money on some rocky bear claws, hopefully no more frostbite

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854


    come on Chappy. figure it out!!!and get your up there

    I would only be able to do 1 day,But he has an evening game Sat. I’ll probably come up! Brackets don’t come out for a couple more weeks yet.

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    Hey Chappy I feel your pain. IDA keeps having their cabin fever reliever on the same weekend my daughter’s swim club has their winter meet. And I don’t see that changing anytime soon.


    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Game on Saturday means get your up there Sunday Morning and hunt Sunday.

    I believe last year most IDA guys hunted Sunday.

    I know this year I will be hunting Sunday again .

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 214

    Reminder…Sunday is “Superbowl” Sunday….The Vikes might be in it!!!!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Who Cares its Football. This is hunting!

    Besides it is dark by 5:00 you could get back to the clubhouse and watch the game and have a few

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 214

    Point well taken!!!

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 4854


    Game on Saturday means get your up there Sunday Morning and hunt Sunday.

    I believe last year most IDA guys hunted Sunday.

    I know this year I will be hunting Sunday again .

    Herein lies the problem…….It’s a tournament. Sunday would probably be an afternoon game.

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    Well if Ripper is just hunting Sunday then I’m just hunting Sunday too. That way i won’t use up all my points on one weekend.


    Posts: 4062


    Who Cares its Football. This is hunting!

    Besides it is dark by 5:00 you could get back to the clubhouse and watch the game and have a few

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Sorry guys – bad weekend for me. I will be in Mexico – Playa Del Carmen. I guess I won’t be suffering too bad. Have fun guys/gals and put me down for next year!

    Posts: 4062

    sons got wrestling tournement that weekend

    Posts: 711

    well i just checked my calendar and it’s so full of nothing i might have to make it a 5 day weekend just to make sure i get plenty of rest.
    i’m in just not sure which day yet, what day are the rest of you hunting?

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