Chasin Roosters In Iowa

  • Craig Matter
    Hager City,Wi
    Posts: 556

    Spent the weekend Chasing Rooster with 12 of my best buddies. Shooters ( Robert, Mark, Steve, Jeff, John and Myself) and the better halves the dogs ( Tucker, Guss, Okie, Dalton, Dodger and Bojie) We had to work very hard to get our limit. Birds were very spooky on Sat. the snow started falling and the birds moved out into the middle of the field and were impossible to get close to. We found only a few birds in the heavy cover…..they ( the birds ) were content standing around in the open picking at beans and corn making it very hard to get close to them. We managed to trick a few of them it to fly past our posters on Sat and we found just enough in the heavy cover to get our 6 man limit. We drove around in the evening and found birds out and about feeding until it was almost dark.

    Sunday was different story with the 3-4 inches of fresh snow the birds were in the middle of the fields in the morning but moved into the heavy cover after they feed……and boy they held tight. Dogs caught 3 of our limit on Sunday and they were roosters…..usually the dogs catch a few hens but rarely roosters…. on this day 3 roosters and one hen caught by the dogs.. good thing Dodger caught the hen…..he has a very vary soft mouth and we released her what appeared to be unharmed…..

    All in all it was a great weekend. The posters froze their off, while the walkers were dripping with sweat in the crusty snow conditions.

    Get out there plenty of bird around yet.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Nice Report & Pics Whatsa!

    Looking to get back out this weekend!

    Iowa, Knoxville
    Posts: 525

    Where are the dog pics. ??

    Posts: 15

    Looks like a great time. Nothing better than getting together with the guys

    Andover MN.
    Posts: 390

    Thats a nice limit of Minnesota roosters! Congrats!

    Andover MN.
    Posts: 390

    Sorry wrong State

    Big Sky Country Helena, MT (Adel, IA home)
    Posts: 1160

    I hear you on the spooky part! They were extra spooky Sat afternoon, but come Sunday morning they sat TIGHT! That’s a really nice limit of roosters, where in the state were you?

    Craig Matter
    Hager City,Wi
    Posts: 556

    We had dropped the dogs off in the heated garage, they had gotten into the rivers and were all iced up. Both days so we opted to get them dry rather than stay for the pictures….next time I’m hoping the river is completely frozen over….. Whatsa

    I have one with Okie…..Roberts 1.5 year old from this year……This dog is coming along really nice….he’s got him doing blind retreives……I can’t wait for him to come up duck hunting next year…..I won’t have to cross the beaver run as often…..I don’t have my dog Tuck doing blinds. He didn’t want to listen to me to well as Robert was scooping snow.

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