I love snow!

  • walleye_wisdom
    Big Sky Country Helena, MT (Adel, IA home)
    Posts: 1160

    Went out really quick after class today and had a limit of 3 in under an hour. Threw a deer roast in the crock pot before i left, came home, cleaned the birds, took a nap, then woke up and had a nice hot meal! Doesn’t get any better than tracking a rooster in snow for a flush that throws snow in your face! Looks like more fresh snow tomorrow to!

    Posts: 19

    my gsp loves to find birds buried in the snow went out today for 45min two up two down sure see alot of birds out there

    North Metro, MN
    Posts: 143

    I’m with you guys! I can’t hunt by my house, but there’s a nice 200 acre field and a few tree rows across the street. Gives the dog good practice, and gets me off the couch. There’s just nothing like having a rooster blast snow in your face (even without the shot following). Something about this time of year….

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