Quick Iowa Report

  • keepcasting
    Posts: 445

    Just wanted to give a quickie report on the Iowa opener. I am sure that there were many other IDAers out this weekend as well and I am interested to see if our results were pretty typical.
    We had 8 guys for Sat and 7 guys for Sunday and wound up with 8 birds each day. For the most part they were holding ok, but on Sunday we probably saw 15-20 roosters get up well out of range. It was an absolutely beautiful weekend to be in the field, the sunrise on Sat. was incredible. I think the single biggest contributing factor to not seeing/shooting more birds was the fact that there was lots of corn still in. I would guess somewere in the 50% picked range. Overall I would say we saw around 25 roosters that we didn’t shoot at, missed 5 or 6 and then the 16 that were killed. Everyone in the group got some action so all in all a great weekend. Oh by the way, we were in central IA on private land.

    Posts: 712

    I was out a few times this week in MN. On Saturday We were about 30 north of the Mn IA border. We saw 15 birds with only 5 that were in range. They were in the corn and in the willows. The corn in that area is about 70% still up. The round is way to wet. I hope to get back at them after deer season and the corn is down.

    Posts: 712

    I was out a few times this week in MN. On Saturday We were about 30 north of the Mn IA border. We saw 15 birds with only 5 that were in range. They were in the corn and in the willows. The corn in that area is about 70% still up. The round is way to wet. I hope to get back at them after deer season and the corn is down.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19015

    I was there and did not get many. Yes, lots of corn in and the WMA’s were all pounded to death. After opening morning it was tough finding productive areas and I wasnt in the mood to ditch hunt very much. Oh, and I hate steel shot…

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19015

    I was there and did not get many. Yes, lots of corn in and the WMA’s were all pounded to death. After opening morning it was tough finding productive areas and I wasnt in the mood to ditch hunt very much. Oh, and I hate steel shot…

    Matt Hall
    Mount Horeb, WI
    Posts: 392

    Why steel shot? Is that the law in Iowa?

    Matt Hall
    Mount Horeb, WI
    Posts: 392

    Why steel shot? Is that the law in Iowa?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19015

    All waterfowl related areas (WPA) and even WMA’s in some counties. The are we were in was mostly steel opportunity except for road ditches.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19015

    All waterfowl related areas (WPA) and even WMA’s in some counties. The are we were in was mostly steel opportunity except for road ditches.

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