Brid numbers

  • pahaarstad
    Posts: 712

    Has any one seen or herd of what the Pheasant and grouse numbers are this year in MN.

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    If my back yard is any indecation things should be good.

    Montrose Mn
    Posts: 2101

    If my back yard is any indecation things should be good.

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    Not sure exactly how things are up there, but down here I’ve seen more birds in the past few weeks than I ever can recall. Going to be gangbusters!

    Sioux City IA
    Posts: 3974

    Not sure exactly how things are up there, but down here I’ve seen more birds in the past few weeks than I ever can recall. Going to be gangbusters!

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    Pheasants should be good again. The grouse numbers are finaly starting to go up again and this year it went way up from the last few years.
    Click on the link for the Mn DNR grouse report, Grouse survey

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    Pheasants should be good again. The grouse numbers are finaly starting to go up again and this year it went way up from the last few years.
    Click on the link for the Mn DNR grouse report, Grouse survey

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Kind of a strange year. I have yet to see a brood yet. Normally I see quite a few. I know our numbers were very high this spring, just funny I haven’t seen any broods yet. We do have a lot more cover this year though.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    Kind of a strange year. I have yet to see a brood yet. Normally I see quite a few. I know our numbers were very high this spring, just funny I haven’t seen any broods yet. We do have a lot more cover this year though.

    Posts: 785

    WE HAVENT HEARD A ROOSTER COUGH IN OVER 3 WEEKS NOW, the ones we have seen in broods of 30 or more are crossing the roads near Avon, the ones at The Duck INN, WELL THERE INVISIBLE WITH THE TALL GRASS AND CORN NOW– even the average of 5 deer crossing per day from the field to the pasture has dropped to 0 per day seen , but the corn gets a hit every 2-3 days by something at night but not every day like it was so we tossed piles of crab apples by each feeding spot, I think we need some cameras set out but there darn spendy;;;;; anyone want to rent theres out for a couple weeks??

    those darn pheaseants better show up soon

    stop in anytime Scott-were there every weekend, you know how to get to my mothers place

    Posts: 785

    WE HAVENT HEARD A ROOSTER COUGH IN OVER 3 WEEKS NOW, the ones we have seen in broods of 30 or more are crossing the roads near Avon, the ones at The Duck INN, WELL THERE INVISIBLE WITH THE TALL GRASS AND CORN NOW– even the average of 5 deer crossing per day from the field to the pasture has dropped to 0 per day seen , but the corn gets a hit every 2-3 days by something at night but not every day like it was so we tossed piles of crab apples by each feeding spot, I think we need some cameras set out but there darn spendy;;;;; anyone want to rent theres out for a couple weeks??

    those darn pheaseants better show up soon

    stop in anytime Scott-were there every weekend, you know how to get to my mothers place

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    The DNR should be going on the August road counts. I am expecting good news again this year. I was out towards Glenwood a week ago and saw all sorts of roosters along the roads; but I haven’t seen any broods this year either.
    They should be there. Conditions seemed to be pretty good for nesting and chick raising this summer.


    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    The DNR should be going on the August road counts. I am expecting good news again this year. I was out towards Glenwood a week ago and saw all sorts of roosters along the roads; but I haven’t seen any broods this year either.
    They should be there. Conditions seemed to be pretty good for nesting and chick raising this summer.


    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4086

    I went on a little work trip today on the gravel roads of SW MN. I saw a few birds here and there, but I probably drove by a bunch. I was really trying to test the accuracy of our new atlases and make some personal notes on the terrain. I talked to a couple friends out there and they said things look better than last year. One guy walks his 200 acres of wildlife paradise a few times a week and he said everything is doing great this year. Last years 140+ buck made it through the winter and the young birds are starting to show up.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4086

    I went on a little work trip today on the gravel roads of SW MN. I saw a few birds here and there, but I probably drove by a bunch. I was really trying to test the accuracy of our new atlases and make some personal notes on the terrain. I talked to a couple friends out there and they said things look better than last year. One guy walks his 200 acres of wildlife paradise a few times a week and he said everything is doing great this year. Last years 140+ buck made it through the winter and the young birds are starting to show up.

    Posts: 2014

    I heard just this weekend in Mn and All the surrounding states that Numbers are up from last year. and maybe at 15 year highs.

    Posts: 2014

    I heard just this weekend in Mn and All the surrounding states that Numbers are up from last year. and maybe at 15 year highs.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    I drove around my property two nights ago and kicked up one brood of pheasants. They could fly about 30ft. I was suprised at the size. The other thing I have been noticing is all the grasshoppers. Man they must be eating good this year.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    I drove around my property two nights ago and kicked up one brood of pheasants. They could fly about 30ft. I was suprised at the size. The other thing I have been noticing is all the grasshoppers. Man they must be eating good this year.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    Pheasants are fun but Grouse opens a month ealier so I will be chasing them first and most.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    Pheasants are fun but Grouse opens a month ealier so I will be chasing them first and most.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    All over the place down by Mankato. A few of them made the trip back up to the BIG CITY with me.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    All over the place down by Mankato. A few of them made the trip back up to the BIG CITY with me.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817


    Pheasants are fun but Grouse opens a month ealier so I will be chasing them first and most.

    I hear ya there but that screws up my bowhunting. Now I just watch them from my stand.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817


    Pheasants are fun but Grouse opens a month ealier so I will be chasing them first and most.

    I hear ya there but that screws up my bowhunting. Now I just watch them from my stand.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    Take a couple practice arrows and let the feathers fly while on stand. BTW isnt the serious bowhunting done in the rut anyways which would more overlap pheasant season….

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    Take a couple practice arrows and let the feathers fly while on stand. BTW isnt the serious bowhunting done in the rut anyways which would more overlap pheasant season….

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    I only bowhunt the first week of the season. Then it is bird hunting until about Halloween.

    Oh yeah, and I have that little FLW Championship in Cleveland in there too

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    I only bowhunt the first week of the season. Then it is bird hunting until about Halloween.

    Oh yeah, and I have that little FLW Championship in Cleveland in there too

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Opening weekend as Scott knows, can be a great time to Hunt Monster Bucks. They are still fairly predictable with their Summer feeding patterns and have had minimal pressure, if you have scouted properly. Many nice Whitetails are taken opening weekend. Plus it is the best shot you have at a Velvet Buck.

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