MN Pheasant Last Hurrah!

  • robstenger
    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Ok…… well I’m just getting around to posting my final Pheasant trip of the year from MN. I just got pics sent to me yesterday. I forgot my Digital camera that day. It was around Xmas so we decided to make one last trip down to the honey hole by Mankato. Rufus and I were joined by two ex –coworkers and good hunting buddies from BOR-SON Construction, Inc. Greg “The Captain” Szypulski, Rollie Olson and Rollie’s 8 month old pup. We had typical late season behavior by these birds. The warm weather and no snow had these birds spread out and spooky. I was kind of bummed never to be able to hunt this year with a good amount of snow on the ground as it makes it that much more special to me, not to mention it herds these birds up in predictable places and they hold real nice. Well we started off on a bad note that day as a Rooster flushed and Rollie looked to have hit it pretty hard, but it still flew and landed on top of the hill. We went after it but never found it. We hunted for about 3-4 hours and ended up with some great dog work, many points and flushes, good times and harvested 3 roosters come days end. As we sat at the trucks and eating grilled brats, sharing stories from that day and days past. It was good to be back hunting with those guys who back in the day helped build my passion for Roosters and great dog work. Thanks guys and as always you guys are welcome any time.

    The property looks like it will be in pretty good shape next year with all the hens, as long as the weather is not to harsh next spring we should have another good year next year. I will be posting a year end review/recap here in the next few weeks. This was the most I hunted birds in a few years and boy did it feel good!

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