Another opener has come and gone for us here in Nw Ia.As always my bestest friends Tom A, and Paul B. were here for a morning hunt.This year was very special for me as my oldest boy Cole has now joined us at this annual event.I might not talk to Paul for many months but I always know he’ll be here for opener.I never really get to excited about opener as there are alot of hunters out there and the pressure can be terrible at times.So we go out for a few hours and then go eat a nice lunch.We hit 4 areas and seen birds in 3 places.The first 2 draws held many birds and we even got some shooting in.Paul and I got the barrels nice and hot at one place.Did we hit what we shot at?I’m still amazed that a guy can miss birds that are right under a pointing dogs nose
Both my setters did a fine job with some awesome points and one very good fine on a winged rooster.This was my females 12 opener,#10 for the male.
Cole did a great job with safety and got a shot at 1 bird but did not connect.For those of you that are interested Cole is still trying for that first Iowa rooster.
Tom & Paul,thanks for hunting opener again.You guys are the best and I’m very lucky to call you guys friends.
Take care,
Ryan Hale
October 30, 2005 at 12:05 am