Let’s get excited here folks. Small game opens this weekend. Namely GROUSE. I’m ready. Hope it’s not hot like this last weekend!! My goal is to get at least 2 this weekend. That’s just enough for my wife and I to eat dinner. Half the fun is bringing them home to my wife as she loves eating Grouse as much as me. I’m expanding my territory this year by finding new spots near the cabin I got this summer. Finding all new land is daunting but I have found it. Now I have to weed out the bad spots. My strategy is clear this weekend. SInce it has been super dry in my area all summer I will be focusing on streams and swamps. Good cover near water. Debating on whether or not to take my dog out. I’v always been more of a solitary grouse hunter and do very well that way. Anybody else out there going this weekend?
September 12, 2005 at 2:43 pm