Well the title says it all I seen everything besides a shooter until dark. It started at 5:30 a buck I call tight rack entered the field not big probably 115 his main beams touch on the front. As he walked off a few min went by and then the parade started. Summing it up in words it was amazing I seen 20 different bucks and 2 does. This happens every year. Early season I see a ton of bucks and not many does till November. But I can’t tell you how many buck fights I seen tonight it was unreal at once I had 5 different fights going on at once. The biggest buck that came under the tree was maybe 120 inches in daylight.no offense to anyone that shoots that deer I just enjoy watching a deer like that hoping for a Little more mature deer to walk in. As I was watching all this happen I used a new product out by scentblocker called scentblocker dui (deer under the influence) and the flavor was vanilla cherry. It’s not a bait it is a natural calming spray. Apparently it’s designed to calm deer down when down wind. My buddy works at scentblocker and told me to try it. I sprayed it on my boots and on the tree I sat in and at once I had 5 bucks right under my tree licking the stand. No joke. All 1.5 to 2.5 year old bucks but still cool to see. Then I had coyotes like crazy around me after last light. Got some cool sound on my phone of the coyotes had on at 20 yard early in the night but he spooked befor I got a shot. Than as I was awaiting a ride so I didn spooke the deer with human contact a shooter buck walked right under my tree alls I could see was a big white rack. Right at the bottom of my tree. And alls I could do was smile and say what a hell of a night. He was a dandy. I could of spit on him he was so close but it was to late. What a night in the tree no deer killed but seen a ton of fights and heard a lot of grunting and snort wheezing. all in all a great night. I hate to push a product on anyone but if you get a chance try that scentblocker dui spray. The biggest deer at dark came from straight down wind and walked right under my tree.
Good luck to all I’ll see how tomorrow night goes.

Posts: 585
September 28, 2015 at 10:08 pm